The Diabetes Improvement Plan (2021-2026)5

  • Reflects the importance of reducing health inequalities as priority four – Equity of Access.
  • Aims to reduce the impact of deprivation and ethnicity on diabetes care and outcomes.  
  • It is recognised that there is a complex relationship between mental health problems, diabetes, raised BMI and those vulnerable to health inequalities. Therefore, these factors should be considered when planning the delivery of services.


The Scottish Government’s Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan6 and The Scottish Government T2DM prevention, early detection and early intervention framework7

  • In 2018, the Scottish Government published these two key documents to help address the impact of T2DM on the health of the nation. 
  • The overall aim is to reduce people’s risk of developing T2DM and, for those diagnosed, support remission where possible and the avoidance of diabetes-related complications.


The Effective Prescribing and Therapeutics Division’s Polypharmacy Guide8 and Realistic Medicine9

  • Promote best practice and effective use of medicines to address an individual's needs.
  • This maximises the therapeutic effectiveness of treatment and minimises the risk of medication associated harm, using the most cost-effective and sustainable options.
  • Placing the person or carer at the centre of the journey promotes shared decision-making and individualised care.