What is required for your practice to deliver improvements in prescribing in T2DM?

For example, embedding the 7-Step medication review, ensuring trained and competent team, empowering patients, using data (NTIs and STU).


Suggested actions - work with your team to develop your aim and change theory


Once you have taken some time to examine and understand your system, your team should have some good ideas about what changes may lead to improvement.

A driver diagram is a useful tool to help visualise how you will achieve your goal. It can also be used to help communicate your aim.

It will show what parts of the system should change, in which way, and includes your ideas about how to make this happen. As your project progresses and you gather more information, your aim and change theory may need to be updated to reflect new knowledge. Your driver diagram should be updated in line with your aim and change theory.



  • Use data to monitor progress and tell other of the impact of your changes.
  • Use a measurement plan to outline what types of data to collect, how and when to collect it and how it will be analysed and presented.
  • These measures will be key to understanding the impacts – planned or unplanned – that your change ideas are having.
  • Populate the measurement plan or other tracking device with details from:



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