Step 3b. Develop aims – holistic patient care
Lifestyle management is a fundamental aspect of diabetes care.
Weight loss can delay the onset of T2DM and can lead to remission, and should be considered in the aim.
Suggested actions - consider the role of lifestyle management
Are there leaflets/electronic resources/links available to support everyone, not only those with T2DM, and encourage active lifestyle, physical activity, healthy diet, weight management and smoking cessation?
- Consider inclusion on practice website and refer to Manage meds - for patients and carers
- Type 2 diabetes: food fact sheet
- Diabetes Improvement Plan (2021-2026)
- The Scottish Government’s Diet and Healthy Weight Delivery Plan
- The Scottish Government’s T2DM prevention, early detection and early intervention framework
- MyDiabetesMyWay – Scotland’s interactive diabetes website
- Do practitioners and local co-ordinators know and have lists available of local groups, e.g. walking groups, weight management groups, sports centres?
- ALISS - find services, groups and activities for health and wellbeing across Scotland
Diet/weight management
Are local arrangements known to all and referral pathways accessible?
Additional support
- Be aware of local pathways available for smoking cessation and social prescribing support Smoking cessation NHS inform