Children should be assessed using these tools and if appropriate, the child should be asked how they rate their pain since their last assessment. Pain should be assessed at rest and on movement such as:
- Deep breathing and coughing exercises.
- Movement of affected limb, if allowed to mobilise.
- Sitting up in bed or mobilising out into a chair.
- Any other activity that is required for the child’s recovery.
Children with communication difficulties will need individual assessment. This should be done along with the child’s parent / carer. The child’s normal response to pain and any usual interventions that are used to relieve pain should be documented.
A pain score of 4 or above must be addressed urgently. Ensure the child has received the maximum prescribed dose of analgesia, both regular and any as required analgesic medications prescribed and that basic comforting measures have been taken. If the pain score remains 4 or above despite this, a review of their analgesia is required, contact the ward doctor and follow the analgesia guidelines.