Important: Therapy notes
- Do not use oral prednisolone or injectable corticosteroid prior to referral of a patient with suspected inflammatory joint disease.
- Corticosteroids are used, along with disease modifying therapy in the induction of remission of inflammatory arthritis once baseline prognostic factors have been assessed and treatment stratification allocated.
- For polymyalgia rheumatica, the majority of patients should respond to prednisolone 10 to 15mg daily.
- If patients fail to respond within 2 weeks cease treatment and review the diagnosis.
- Treatment is usually required for a minimum of 18 months; consider densitometry and bone protection at commencement (see Drugs affecting bone metabolism).
- Further advice is available on the Department of Rheumatology home page.
- Larger doses of prednisolone are used to treat connective tissue disease and temporal arteritis.
- Dose varies according to condition. If possible, avoid use of the high-cost prednisolone tablets 25mg and soluble tablets 5mg.
Important: Formulation and dosage details
Tablets 1mg, 5mg, 25mg
Important: Formulation and dosage details
Soluble tablets 5mg