Other drugs used in constipation (Formulary)


Important: Therapy notes

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Tablets 2mg (Restricted: Specialist recommendation only)

1mg tablets are non-formulary. They are less cost-effective and should not be used to make up a 2mg dose. They may be used off-formulary for initiation in elderly patients. 


  • As per SMC 653/10: for symptomatic treatment of chronic constipation in women in whom laxatives fail to provide adequate relief. NB - SMC not recommended advice considered to be non-extant by NHS Highland.
  • See also NICE TA211: Prucalopride is recommended as an option for the treatment of chronic constipation only in women for whom treatment with at least two laxatives from different classes, at the highest tolerated recommended doses for at least 6 months, has failed to provide adequate relief and invasive treatment for constipation is being considered.
  • 2 x 1mg should not be prescribed, as this is less cost-effective.


Important: Therapy notes

Important: Formulation and dosage details


Capsules 290 microgram (Restricted: Specialist recommendation only)


As per SMC869/13: Symptomatic treatment of moderate to severe irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C) in adults who have not responded adequately to, or cannot tolerate, all other suitable treatment options.

  • Treatment is to be reviewed at 4 weeks and discontinued if ineffective.

Editorial Information

Document Id: F384