Important: Therapy notes
A clear management plan must be agreed prior to discharge from hospital to ensure that the patient receives appropriate care.
Where indicated enoxaparin and warfarin are given concurrently until a therapeutic INR result is achieved for 48 hours; enoxaparin may then be discontinued.
Important: Formulation and dosage details
Injection 20mg/0·2mL, 40mg/0·4mL, 60mg/0·6mL, 80mg/0·8mL, 100mg/mL, 120mg/0·8mL, 150mg/mL
Initial treatment ofthrombotic disease and for thromboprophylaxis, subcutaneously once or twice daily. It can be given in hospital or in the community.
Deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism see Oral anticoagulants
Enoxaparin does not require monitoring except in patients with renal impairment, weight greater than 150kg and in pregnancy (factor Xa levels should be taken 3 to 4 hours after the injection). The elimination half-life may be prolonged in older patients and although no dosage adjustment is necessary, monitoring may be advisable where prolonged use is anticipated or if there is significant renal and/or hepatic impairment.
Take FBC prior to treatment and 1 week after the start of therapy if heparin is continued; if the platelet count has fallen to below normal levels consider heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and discuss with Haematologist.
Where an operation is planned, discuss the use of enoxaparin with an Anaesthetist especially if spinal anaesthetic is being considered.