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  5. Syringe pump / driver compatibles
  6. Single drugs used in a subcutaneous infusion over 24 hours in palliative care (tables 1a to 1f)
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Single drugs used in a subcutaneous infusion over 24 hours in palliative care (tables 1a to 1f) - using syringe pumps (syringe drivers)

Tables are best viewed in landscape mode on mobile devices

Single drugs used in a subcutaneous infusion over 24 hours in palliative care (tables 1a to 1f)

Diluent:water for injection unless stated and make up to
17ml in 20ml syringe or 22ml in 30ml syringe using a CME T34 pump or
24ml or 48ml in a 50ml syringe in a non-ambulatory pump.

Single agents

Indications/off label uses and dose range


Table 1a: Opioids – refer to Choosing and changing opioids guideline


1mg in 2ml

5mg in 1ml (use may
be restricted in some areas)

Opioid responsive pain, breathlessness

Dose: Specialist advice
and supervision required


3rd line opioid; specialist advice needed.

1st line in stages 4/5 chronic kidney disease.

Caution with high strength preparation

(5mg in 1ml); only use in line with local policy.


5mg, 10mg, 30mg, 100mg,
500mg powder ampoules

Opioid responsive pain, breathlessness

Dose: 5mg to 10mg over 24hours,
if no opioid before

Can be diluted in a small volume.

Preferred for high opioid doses.

Caution in stage 4/5 chronic kidney disease.


10mg in 1ml

20mg in 1ml

50mg in 1ml

Opioid responsive pain, breathlessness

Dose: specialist advice
and supervision required

3rd line opioid; specialist advice needed.

Caution in stage 4/5 chronic kidney disease.

Morphine sulfate

10mg, 30mg in 1ml

60mg in 2ml (other
strengths available but
not used commonly)

Opioid responsive pain, breathlessness

Dose: 5mg to 10mg over 24 hours,
if no opioid before

1st line opioid analgesic.

Caution in stage 4/5 chronic kidney disease.



10mg in 1ml

20mg in 2ml

50mg in 1ml (use may
be restricted in some areas)

Opioid responsive pain, breathlessness

Dose: 2mg to 5mg over
24 hours, if no opioid before

2nd line opioid analgesic if
morphine/diamorphine not tolerated.

Caution in stage 4/5 chronic kidney disease.

Table 1b: Anti-emetics


50mg in 1ml


Nausea and vomiting
(bowel obstruction or intracranial disease)

Dose: 50mg to 150mg over 24 hours

Anticholinergic; reduces peristalsis.

Can cause redness, irritation at site.

Incompatible with 0.9% saline,
always use water for injection.


5mg in 1ml

10mg in 2ml

Opioid or metabolic induced nausea, delirium

Dose: 2mg to 5mg over 24 hours

Long half life: can also be given
as a once daily SC injection.

Extrapyramidal side effects.


25mg in 1ml


Complex nausea, terminal delirium / agitation

Dose: 5mg to 15mg over
24 hours – anti-emetic

Dose: 25mg to 100mg over 24 hours - sedative

Protect from light, exposure can cause
purple/yellow discolouration; discard if this occurs.

Lowers blood pressure.

Long half life: can be given
as a once or twice daily SC injection.

Second line sedative if midazolam ineffective.

Refer to Levomepromazine guideline.


10mg in 2ml


Nausea and vomiting

(peristaltic failure, gastric
stasis/outlet obstruction, opioid)

Dose: 20mg to 120mg over 24 hours


Avoid if complete bowel obstruction.

Worsens colic, use with caution.

Possible risk of extrapyrimidal side effects.

Table 1c: Anticholinergics for chest secretions or bowel colic


200 micrograms in 1ml

600 micrograms in 3ml

Chest secretions or colic

Dose: 600 micrograms to
1200 micrograms over 24 hours

2nd line; non-sedative.

Longer duration of action than hyoscine.

Hyoscine butylbromide

20mg in 1ml

Chest secretions, bowel
obstruction (colic, vomiting)

Dose: 40mg to 120mg over 24 hours

1st line; non-sedative.

Hyoscine hydrobromide

400 micrograms in 1ml

600 micrograms in 1ml

Chest secretions

Dose: 400 micrograms to
1200 micrograms over 24 hours

3rd line; sedative.

Can precipitate delirium.



Table 1d: Non Steroidals (NSAIDS)


75mg in 3ml

Relief of pain and inflammation

Dose: 75mg to 150mg over 24 hours

Administer in separate syringe pump,
incompatible with most drugs.

Avoid in patients with history of,
or risk factors for, heart disease.

Monitor renal function.

Injection is irritant, dilute maximally with 0.9% saline.


10mg in 1ml

30mg in 1ml

Short term management of pain

Dose: 60mg to 90mg over 24 hours

Likely to cause more GI irritation than diclofenac,
concurrent gastro protection recommended.

Avoid in patients with history of,
or risk factors for, heart disease.

Monitor renal function.

Injection is irritant, dilute maximally with 0.9% saline.

Table 1e Sedative


10mg in 2ml

Myoclonus, seizures, terminal delirium / agitation

Dose: titrate dose according
to symptoms and response

Anxiolytic (5mg to 10mg over 24 hours)

Muscle relaxant (5mg to 20mg over 24 hours)

Anticonvulsant (20 mg to 30mg over 24 hours)

1st line sedative (10mg to 60mg over 24 hours)

10mg in 2ml preparation for palliative care.

Doses above 30mg midazolam seek specialist advice

Table 1f: Other medication occasionally given by the subcutaneous (SC) route in palliative care

Dexamethasone – refer to
medicine information sheet
for conversion.

3.3mg in 1ml

Bowel obstruction, raised
intracranial pressure or
intractable nausea and vomiting

Dose: 1.65mg to 13.2mg over 24 hours

Check preparation: available
as different dose formulations.

Give as a once or twice daily SC injection in the
morning and lunchtime or via syringe pump.

If given by SC bolus do not give
after 2pm to prevent insomnia.


10mg in 1ml (20ml vial)

50mg in 1ml (10ml vial)

100mg in 1ml (10ml vial)


Refractory chronic pain

Dose: initial dose 50mg to 100mg, titrate up as
needed to maximum 600mg over 24 hours

Can also be given by burst
treatment; refer to guideline.

Injection is irritant, dilute maximally with 0.9% saline.

Specialist advice required before commencing.


100mg in 1ml (5ml vial)


Dose: 1g to 3g over 24 hours.
Doses above 2g will
need to be split over 2 pumps

1:1 conversion between oral and subcutaneous.

Limited compatibility with other medicines.

Higher doses will need multiple syringe pumps.



(5ml multi-dose vial)

100 micrograms in 1ml

500 micrograms in 1ml

Intractable vomiting due to
bowel obstruction, fistula discharge

Dose: 250micrograms to
900 micrograms over 24 hours

Potent antisecretory agent.

Does not treat nausea.

Fridge item, let injection reach room
temperature before use to reduce pain.

Rotate injection sites.

Seek advice for higher doses.


25mg in 1ml (2ml amp)

Bowel obstruction

Dose: 100mg to 200mg over 24 hours

Limited compatibility information.

Add last to avoid precipitation.