What were we asked to look at?

The Scottish Clinical Imaging Network (SCIN) asked us to assess the clinical and cost effectiveness of FDG-PET imaging, compared with HMPAO (99mTc labelled hexamethylpropyleneamine oxime)-SPECT imaging, in the diagnosis of dementia.

Why is this important?

A clinical diagnosis of dementia is based on information from different sources. An accurate diagnosis of the subtype of dementia is important, as patients with specific subtypes follow distinct clinical courses and responses to medication. Patients undergoing assessment for dementia may benefit from functional imaging to help clarify their diagnosis. In Scotland, the patients who may benefit from functional imaging are usually offered a perfusion SPECT scan, using the radiotracer HMPAO.

The SCIN considers FDG-PET a superior imaging tool, compared with perfusion SPECT, in this patient group. They also noted that while perfusion SPECT is widely available in Scotland, access to FDG-PET for people with dementia is extremely limited. A SCIN National PET-CT Review Group is considering which clinical indications would be relevant for potential PET-CT service expansion. This SHTG Recommendation will help inform a decision on whether dementia should be included within the list of indications.

What was our approach?

We produced an SHTG Recommendation based on a review of published evidence on the clinical and cost effectiveness of FDG-PET in the diagnosis of dementia, compared with perfusion SPECT.

What next?

This work will inform the National PET-CT Review Group decision as to whether an FDG-PET dementia imaging service should be developed as part of a potential PET-CT service expansion in NHSScotland.