BNF  British National Formulary
CASP critical appraisal skills programme
CEAC cost-effectiveness acceptability curve
CGM continuous glucose monitoring
CI confidence interval
closed loop from onset in type 1 diabetes
CSII continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
CVD cardiovascular disease
DCCT UK diabetes control and complications trial
DDS diabetes distress scale
ESRD end stage renal disease
FGM flash glucose monitoring
GRADE grading of recommendations assessment, development and evaluation
HCHS hospital and community health services
HCL hybrid closed loop
HDL:TCL high density lipoprotein : total cholesterol levels
ICER incremental cost-effectiveness ratio
iPAG Insulin Pump Awareness Group
IQR inter-quartile range
JDRF Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
LY life years
MD mean difference
MDI multiple daily injections
NHSEED NHS economic evaluations database
NICE National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
NMA network meta-analysis
NSHE non-severe hypoglycaemic event
OR odds ratio
PAD peripheral arterial disease
PAID problem areas in diabetes
PRO patient reported outcomes
QALY quality adjusted life years
RCT randomised controlled trial
RR relative risk/risk ratio
SCI Scottish care information
SD standard deviation
SE standard error
SHE severe hypoglycaemic event
SHTG Scottish Health Technologies Group
SIMD Scottish index of multiple deprivation
SMBG self monitoring blood glucose
SUCRA surface under the cumulative ranking
TBR time below range
TIR time in range
UKPDS UK prospective diabetes study
WESDR Wisconsin epidemiological study of diabetic retinopathy
WMD weighted mean difference