
This consensus document is not a rigid constraint on clinical practice, but a concept of good practice against which the needs of the individual patient should be considered. It therefore remains the responsibility of the individual clinician to interpret the application of these guidelines, taking into account local service constraints and the needs and wishes of the patient. It is not intended that these consensus documents are applied as rigid clinical protocols.

The group recognise the increasing importance of molecular testing in informing patient management in breast cancer, and the role of pathology services in facilitating these tests.  The pathology group look forward to working collaboratively with each other and clinical CMP groups to develop a standardised and nationally equitable approach to molecular testing, where formal national guidelines are not yet in place. The group strongly support the development of a national laboratory information management system (LIMS) which will facilitate the standardisation of pathology reporting across Scotland.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 20/09/2023

Next review date: 20/09/2026

Author(s): Lee Jordan on behalf of the Breast Pathology Subgroup.

Version: 1

Reviewer name(s): Frances Yuille.