FBC <30  6 5 11
FBC 30-39  4 4 8
FBC 40-49  3 3 6
FBC 50-59  2 2 4
FBC >59  1 1 2
MBC <60  5 8 13
MBC >59  5 5 10
Ovarian <60*  8 5 13
Ovarian >59*  5 5 10
Pancreatic  0 1 1
Prostate <60 0 2 2
Prostate >59  0 1 1
BRCA Pathology Index Case       

Grade 3 triple –ve  

(ER -ve score = <4) 

4 0 4
LCIS (no invasive cancer)  -4 0 -4
HER2 +ve  -4 0 -4




Include - Epithelial (endometriod, serous, clear cell, NOS), granulosa cell. 

Exclude - mucinous, borderline and germ cell tumours except granulosa cell.  

A combined score of 15 or more meets threshold for BRCA testing. 

To calculate the Manchester score every individual in a direct lineage in a family affected with breast, ovarian, prostate or pancreatic cancer is given a score from the table above. These scores are summed to give the total Manchester score.    


Editorial Information

Reviewer name(s): Frances Yuille.