Medical professionals should ensure their knowledge in allergy and anaphylaxis is up to date and in line with current literature.

Anaphylaxis UK have online training courses available:



Pharmacists should be aware of the new guidance and that schools can purchase AAI’s without prescription via an order form. A template letter is available to download here.

More information on the supply of spare, back-up AAI’s for pharmacists is available by the Go to website Royal Pharmaceutical Society.

Training videos demonstrating how to administer adrenaline via auto-injectors can be accessed from the Video Bank.

Important information - be aware
The spare, back-up AAI is to be used as a back-up and should not replace the pupil’s own device.

It can be used when the pupil’s own device is not available e.g. due to being:


They also act as a back-up in cases where a second dose of adrenaline is required but the pupil has only one AAI available.