What is Allergy?
Allergy is an inappropriate immune response to a usually harmless substance in the environment.
These substances are known as allergens and can be food (e.g. nuts), airborne (e.g. pollen), venom (e.g. insect stings) or latex (e.g. balloons).
The body’s immune system produces specific antibodies against these allergens. When an individual is exposed to the allergen again, the body is prepared to fight it, and this causes an allergic reaction.
This results in the release of chemicals such as histamine which cause the allergic reaction and can present with; an itchy rash, swelling and redness, breathing problems (similar to an asthma attack), tight throat which can cause swallowing difficulties and/or a high pitched sound (stridor) and hoarseness.
The video by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) explains the immune response to allergens.
Permission granted for use from EAACI.