
Critical Care Recovery

This is a website developed by the NHS to offer information, advice and support on recovery after intensive care.

MindEd for Families

This is a website with videos and information to raise awareness of what delirium is and help older people and those around them with how to deal with it.

European Delirium Association resources

Delirium blog

Critical Illness, Brain Dysfunction and Survivorship (CIBS) Center

Information leaflets

Think Delirium

This is a patient information leaflet developed by Healthcare Improvement Scotland in collaboration with NHS boards.

Alzheimer's Society

This is a patient information leaflet on the effects of delirium, treatment and what happens afterwards. It also includes patient experiences.

Alzheimer Scotland ‘Getting to Know Me’

The 'Getting to Know Me’ form was designed for patients with dementia. It is completed with information about the person’s likes and dislikes and needs and is held with the patient notes to allow staff to provide the best care possible.

Dementia UK

This web-based leaflet describes the symptoms of delirium and gives suggestions of what carers can do to help a person with delirium.

Marie Curie

This web-based leaflet focuses on delirium occurring towards the end of life. It describes causes, and offers advice on what carers can do and when to seek expert help.

NHS UK website

This leaflet provides advice on when to contact a GP or phone an ambulance if someone is showing signs of delirium.

Royal College of Psychiatrists

This leaflet provides information on signs and symptoms, treatment and what may happen after a person has had delirium.

SIGN patient information 'Booklet on Delirium'

SIGN patient versions of guidelines are documents that ‘translate’ guideline recommendations and their rationales, originally developed for healthcare professionals, into a form that is more easily understood and used by patients and the public.

Telephone helplines

Alzheimer Scotland

Telephone:   0808 808 3000


This helpline provides information and emotional support to people with dementia, their families, friends and professionals.

Dementia UK

Telephone: 0800 888 6678

This helpline is available to support to carers or anyone with dementia.