The GUIDES project [Van de Velde 2018a] provides a useful checklist which summarises the issues discussed in this section.


Adapted from GUIDES Domain 1: l Decision Support Context

1.1. DSS can achieve the planned quality objectives

  • Does DSS address the factors that explain the current behaviour of healthcare providers and patients?
  • Does the available evidence support the use of DSS for the given outcomes, tasks and settings?


1.2 The quality of the patient data is sufficient (for DSS that integrate with care record systems.)

  • Is the structured patient data that is needed to achieve the DSS objective sufficiently accurate and complete to allow the use of DSS ?
  • If necessary, can the quality of the data be improved or can the DSS itself improve the data quality?


1.3 Stakeholders and users accept DSS

  • Is there a clear benefit to the users who will engage with the DSS?
  • Do the users and stakeholders have a positive attitude towards the use of DSS?
  • If necessary, is it possible to increase user and stakeholder acceptance?


1.4 DSS can be added to the existing workload, workflows and systems

  • Is the required hardware available and what will the impact be of adding DSS to the existing information systems?
  • Is it feasible to introduce DSS, given the current workload and the usual work processes?
  • If necessary, can the workload or the work processes be changed or can the DSS system improve the workload or work processes?