Consider all patients for monitored initiation on low dose ICS plus a SABA as required. Review patients on SABA inhalers alone, establishing reasons for SABA only use, such as COPD diagnosis, viral wheeze and COVID-19 symptoms.


This indicator highlights the proportion of patients who receive a SABA inhaler in the absence of other inhalers.

SIGN 158 states that on diagnosis of asthma, patients be considered for monitored initiation on low dose ICS plus a SABA as required and GINA recommends AIR therapy.26 Patients on SABA inhalers alone should be reviewed, establishing reasons for SABA only use, such as COPD diagnosis, viral wheeze and COVID-19 symptoms.

Using STU software is recommended within GP practices and will allow identification of individuals coded on a SABA inhaler only (see Scottish Therapeutics Utility (STU)).

Therapeutic indicator

Prescribing of SABA only (in absence of other inhalers)



  • This chart shows that in NHS Scotland approximately 22% of people being prescribed a SABA inhaler are not prescribed other inhaler therapy.
  • As per national asthma and COPD guidelines, very limited numbers of patients should be prescribed SABA inhalers only.

The numerical data for NTI graphs can also be viewed here.

The most up to date national therapeutic indicator data is available here.