A&A | Ayrshire and Arran |
ACQ (6) | Asthma Control Questionnaire |
ACP | Activated Clotting Time |
ACT | Asthma Control Test |
AF | Atrial Fibrillation |
AHP | Allied Healthcare Professional |
ANA | Anti-Nuclear Antibodies |
ANCA | Anti-Neutrophil Cytoplasm Antibodies |
ANP | Advanced Nurse Practitioner |
ARDs | Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome |
BMI | Body Mass Index |
BNF | British National Formulary |
BTS | British Thoracic Society |
CAT | Computerized Axial Tomography |
CF | Cystic Fibrosis |
CO2 | Carbon dioxide |
COPD | Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease |
CRP | C-reactive protein |
CSH | Centre for Sustainable Health |
CXR | Chest X-ray |
DEXA | Dual Energy X-ray Absorptiometry |
DPI | Dry Powder Inhaler |
DTaP | Diptheria-Tetanus-Pertussis Vaccine |
ECG | Electrocardiogram |
ERS | European Respiratory Society |
EU | European Union |
FBC | Full blood count |
FeNO | Fractionated Exhaled Nitric oxide |
FEV1 | Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 Second |
FV | Forth Valley |
FVC | Forced Vital Capacity |
GGC | Greater Glasgow and Clyde |
GOLD | Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease |
GP | General Practitioner |
GWI | Global Water Intelligence |
GWP | Global Warming Potential |
HFA | Hydrofluoroalkane |
HIS | Healthcare Improvement Scotland |
HSCP | Health and Social Care Partnership |
ICS | Inhaled Corticosteroids |
ILD | Interstitial Lung Disease |
IPF | Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis |
IT | Information Technology |
ITU | Intensive Therapy Unit |
ISD | Information Services Division |
LABA | Long-Acting Beta Agonist |
LAMA | Long-Acting Muscarinic Antagonist |
LRA | Leukotriene receptor antagonists |
MAB | Monoclonal antibody |
MART | Maintenance and Reliever Therapy |
MCN | Managed Clinical Network |
MCR | Medicines Care and Review |
MDI/pMDI | Metered-Dose Inhaler (pressurised) |
MRC | Medical Research Council - breathlessness scale |
NCDs | Non-communicable Diseases |
NHS | National Health Service |
NICE | National Institute for Health and Social Care Excellence |
NRAD | National Review of Asthma Deaths |
NTM | Nontuberculous Mycobacterial |
OCS | Oral corticosteroids |
PFTs | Pulmonary Function Tests |
PIS | Prescribing Information System |
PRISMS | Prescribing Information System for Scotland |
QI | Quality Improvement |
RAST | RadioAllergosorbent Test |
RCGP | Royal College of General Practitioners |
SABA | Short Acting Beta Agonists |
SAMA | Short-Acting Muscarinic Antagonist |
SAPG | Scottish Antimicrobial Prescribing group |
Sats | Saturations (Oxygen) |
SIGN BTS | Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network/British Thoracic Society |
SMC | Scottish Medicines Consortium |
SPC | Summary of Product Characteristics |
STU | Scottish Therapeutics Utility |
TFT | Thyroid Function Test |
U and Es | Urea and Electrolytes |
VBA | Very Brief Advice |
WHO | World Health Organisation |