Older adult webinar series - Tuesday 3rd December at 7.30pm

We have to talk about dying: future care planning for older adults.

Dr Julie Spenceley,  GP Partner/GRI ED department and Claire O’Neill, Clinical Services Manager for Palliative Care and Lead Nurse for Palliative Care in NHSGGC.

Book online.

If you have questions, feedback or suggestions please email judith.marshall@nhs.scot

Recordings of previous webinars can be accessed via YouTube.

Realistic medicine survey

We are excited to invite you and your colleagues across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) to participate in a short survey focusing on Realistic Medicine. Your insights and experiences as healthcare professionals are essential in helping us understand and enhance the implementation of Realistic Medicine principles across our organisation.

About the Survey:

This survey is anonymous and has been carefully designed to gather insights and feedback from healthcare professionals like you. The data collected will be utilised by the Realistic Medicine team at NHSGGC to better understand the status of Realistic Medicine implementation and identify areas for enhancement.

We kindly request a few minutes of your time to complete this survey, as your input will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of healthcare within our organisation. Your responses will remain confidential, and your participation is highly valued.

Complete the Realistic Medicine staff survey

NHSGGC Realistic Medicine Awareness Event - September 2023 - catch up with the videos

View recordings from the day via the GGC Realistic Medicine SharePoint site

1. Introduction to Realistic Medicine in NHSGGC - now and the future - Professor Colin Mackay, Dr Malcolm Watson and Dr Jude Marshall.

2. Realistic medicine in action in NHSGGC - Judith Roulston and Miss Karen Stevenson.

3. Environmental impact of prescribing - Sharon Pfleger

4. Unrealistic care inspiring a more realistic future - Shobhan Thakore

5. Realistic medicine in action NHSGGC - HSCPs - 3 short presentations on current projects.


Effective Communication for Healthcare

Effective Communication for Healthcare (EC4H) run free online webinars for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde staff involved in conversations around Shared Decision Making and Treatment Escalation Planning.

The online sessions allow participants to watch a real time interactive demonstration led by EC4H tutors. To find out more and to book a place for the next workshop visit EC4H.  

How to become an NHSGGC realistic medicine champion

If you are interested in becoming an RM Champion you should have a conversation with your line manager. You could identify this as a need in your Personal Development Plan. You will also need to complete the RM SDM online module.

If your line manager agrees, you should fill out the online registration form.

You may have already been nominated to become an RM Champion. You will still need to fill out the information in the online registration form.

Once we have confirmed with your Line Manager you will be added to the RM Champions Team on Microsoft Teams. There you will have access to resources and meet other RM Champions across the Board Area. The RM Team will also send you regular information and communications.

If you move role or no longer wish to be an RM Champion you must email ali.raza@ggc.scot.nhs.uk (Realistic Medicine Project Manager) to inform us so we can update/remove you from our registers.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 06/04/2023

Reviewer name(s): Jude Marshall, Malcolm Watson, Ali Raza.