Going live with your toolkit is just the start. Now you need to take steps to embed and spread use of the toolkit to ensure that it delivers impact in practice. Key implementation and spread methods include:
Mindtools provides a useful learning resource to help you to put together a communication plan
This covers the key elements of:
- Defining your objectives
- Identifying your audience
- Articulating and formatting the messages that will engage each audience.
- Choosing the best communication channels.
The Right Decision Service guide to implementation and spread
- suggests setting up an Implementation Oversight Group to guide, monitor and support the implementation, spread and evaluation process.
This guide highlights:
1) Key principles including:
- Shared vision and purpose
- Leadership at all levels, from the most senior influencers to practitioners at ground -level who will actually use the DSS tools.
- Building internal and external motivation
2) A suite of implementation and spread tools and techniques, including:
- Improvement methods such as Plan-Do-Study-Act
- Knowledge mobilisation methods such as communities of practice, educational outreach and peer assist meetings.
- Behavioural change techniques including audit and feedback, use of opinion leaders, training and education.
- Managing barriers and facilitators to implementation