Learning resource: clinical and care governance of RDS toolkits


This module is mandatory for knowledge managers and other editors who play a leading role in development and delivery of an RDS toolkit. This includes coordinating and overseeing completion of the quality checklist in Part 3 of the RDS new toolkit request form.

We also recommend that the following groups read the content of the toolkit as important background to delivering an RDS toolkit with assurance around its quality and governance:

  • Clinical, social care and management leads for RDS toolkits
  • Editors who have a supporting role in delivering RDS toolkits.

Learning outcomes

After completing this learning module, you should:

  • Be able to describe to others the different elements of governance relevant to delivery and implementation of RDS toolkits.
  • Be confident that you have the knowledge and skills to ensure that all the RDS quality criteria are met by RDS toolkits that you support.
  • Be able to explain to others why governance and quality assurance are important to successful development and implementation of RDS toolkits.