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  5. Taking more exercise
Announcements and latest updates vulnerability

28 june 2024

Our eHealth team advised us yesterday of an international vulnerability relating to . This domain has become compromised and is  spreading malware through a widespread supply chain attack, estimated to affect over 110,000 websites including major websites such as the BBC. The Polyfill site offered widely used bits of code for older browsers that allowed the use of modern Javascript features. Such code makes the work for web developers easier and allows compatibility with a broader range of browsers. 

Websites that have used the Javascript code from Polyfill have been urged to remove such code immediately. The change occurred after a suspected Chinese firm purchased the domain in early 2024.

Tactuum have identified and are now testing a fix to remove all Polyfill code from the RDS site.. They will be deploying the fix on Monday 1 July along with other planned fixes and amendments. I will notify you of the timing  of the deployment as soon as possible.

In the meantime, please ensure that you have up-to-date anti-virus software installed on your machines and personal devices.


Taking more exercise

Being physically active is good for losing weight, preventing diabetes and enabling remission.

All levels of physical activity are helpful - from arm stretches and on-the-spot walking to swimming and running.

This 1-minute video from Diabetes UK illustrates a variety of ways of keeping active at home.

Benefits of exercise

Moving more can: 

  • help you lose weight if you need to, and keep the weight off after you’ve lost it 
  • give you energy and help you sleep 
  • help your joints and flexibility 
  • help your mind as well as your body - exercise releases endorphins, which you could think of as happy hormones. Being active is proven to reduce stress levels and improve low mood.   
  • help the body use insulin better
  • help your blood pressure, which can put you more at risk of diabetes complications
  • help to improve cholesterol (blood fats) to help protect against problems like heart disease  

It’s important to remember that being active is even more beneficial if you’re also making healthier food choices and not smoking.

This video from Diabetes UK demonstrates the benefits of exercise on mood and mental health.


Overcoming barriers to exercise 

Diabetes UK provides resources which support overcoming barriers to physical activity - such as emotions, motivation, and health.

What is the best type of exercise for me?

There isn’t one type of activity that’s best for everyone at risk of diabetes - it’s about finding what works for you. This can depend on lots of things, like what you enjoy, where you are and how much time you have. Try to think about how activity can fit in with your life, not the other way around.  

In general, it’s best to try and do a mixture of different types of activity. This is because different types of activity have different benefits, and use different parts of your body.  

If you’re feeling worried, talk to your GP or healthcare team first. 

Keeping active at home 

There are lots of ways to get active at home. For example:

  • on-the-spot walking during TV ad breaks 
  • stretches for your arms and legs whilst sat in a chair 
  • hoovering your home or washing your car 
  • gardening 

Keeping active on the move

A slight change of routine can increase your physical activity levels. This could include: 

  • getting off the bus or tube one stop earlier, or parking further away from your destination 
  • taking the stairs instead of the lift or escalator 
  • cycling 
  • walking

Exercise as a hobby

Some ideas include:  

  • starting yoga or Pilates - you can attend classes or use YouTube workouts 
  • swimming
  • signing up to a new class, such as dance or tai-chi 

Exercise videos and other resources

Diabetes UK provides a Library of exercise videos

Diabetes UK – Diabetes and Exercise

  • Information on the benefits of exercising with diabetes, how to deal with feelings and emotions around exercise, and tips on how to keep active.

My Diabetes My Way - Activity and exercise

  • Suggestions and resources on how to increase physical activity for a wide variety of people and situations.



Exercise options in the Moray area

NHS Grampian Diabetes: Fitness Tracker Intervention

  • This intervention involves a one-to-one consultation carried out by a Health Psychologist. This usually lasts about 45 minutes, and can be done online through Near Me.
  • During the consultation, you can discuss how much activity you are doing currently, how much activity you would like to do, and what gets in the way of you being more active. This information will then be used to help you set your own realistic goals for increasing your physical activity.
  • You will also be provided with a free Fitness Tracker to monitor your activity, and given the option to keep in touch and attend follow-up appointments
  • To book an appointment contact:

Moray Sports & Leisure

  • Timetables for swimming pools, fitness classes and activities in Moray.


Moray Leisure Centre

  • Facilities include a gym, swimming pool, and ice rink. Offers fitness classes and 1-1 personal training.


Sport in Moray

  • Information about clubs and activities in Moray.