1.1Defining the medicine, intervention and the clinical outcome of relevance
The medicines used in previous editions of the Scottish Government Polypharmacy Guidance 2012and 2015should be included. These will be reviewed to ensure that they are both specific and measurable. Consideration also needs to be given to their relevance to clinical practice, e.g. is the medicine likely to be used in this clinical context and is the comparator described the most relevant to clinical practice?
1.2 Identifying relevant medical literature
The following principles should be applied:
- Cochrane reviews where available should be used
- Systematic reviews should generally be used in preference to individual randomised controlled clinical trials (RCT), unless the RCT includes a greater number of patients
- Where systematic reviews are not available individual randomised controlled trials may be used
The MI pharmacist should carry out a standard Medline® or Embase® search using relevant Medical Subject Heading (MeSH) terms and Boolean operators. In particular the following should be identified:
- Cochrane systematic reviews
- Other high quality systematic reviews
- Pivotal trials for the medicine in the relevant indication
Ideally studies should be identified from the previous five years, but in exceptional circumstances, e.g. where only a single pivotal trial has been published, or no newer systematic reviews have been published, older clinical trials or systematic reviews may be used.
1.3 Dealing with multiple trials and meta-analyses
Where more than one review or trial is identified for the relevant indication and intervention the following criteria should be assessed:
- Relevance to the defined medicine and intervention
- Size of the study or review
- Similarity of review and study cohort to the Scottish population
A judgement can then be made, using the criteria above to identify the most relevant trial or review from which the NNT can be calculated. Where the studies are very similar, the NNT should be calculated for each individual study and the mean taken for inclusion in the table.