Treatment of personality disorder should follow recovery principles. Recovery is a framework for thinking about mental health which is applicable to personality disorder. A full discussion of the recovery approach is beyond the scope of this document but important recovery principles, drawn from the Scottish Recovery Network website, captures the key factors.

Any treatment for personality disorder should:

• Focus on what people can do, and on their unique attributes and characteristics rather than focus on the things they cannot.
• Take a strengths based approach to the work and emphasise the role of hope and optimism.
• Recognise recovery is a unique and individual experience and that people’s experiences are influenced by their circumstances, background and life events. Opportunities and circumstances also influence outcomes.
• Promote inclusion, equality and involvement.
• Recognise people are experts in their own experience and that empowerment is central to wellness and recovery.
• Work towards goals which are important for the patient and which should be developed collaboratively.