
NHS Borders 

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"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

Information for Patients

Lindean is a six bedded in patient unit for older adults with mental health problems. It offers specialist care during an acute phase of a person's illness.

All bedrooms are single and include a toilet and hand washing sink. You cannot smoke within the ward
however visitors are not permitted to smoke while on NHS Borders property including the grounds of the hospital.

There is:

  • 1 sitting/dining room
  • 1 meeting/group room
  • 1 shared garden

Our dedicated team is made up of:

  • Senior Charge Nurse
  • Charge nurse
  • Staff nurses
  • Healthcare support workers

The team also has input when it is needed from:

  • Physiotherapy
  • Occupational therapy
  • Social work
  • Psychology
  • Psychiatrists and other medical staff
  • There is also a MDT - weekly and medical input as when required

The team works together to provide a high standard of person centred care. We do this in a safe unit that
promotes physical and mental well being.

We provide:

  • Psychiatric assessment
  • Care and treatment plan
  • Discharge planning

Admission to hospital

Most people in Lindean are here informally. This means that they are generally free to leave if they wish. It would not be wise though, to leave against medical advice.

There are patients who are very ill to the extent that:

  • they have no insight into their illness
  • they refuse to have inpatient treatment and
  • present a risk to themselves or others

Under these circumstances, detention under a section of the Mental health [Care and Treatment] [Scotland] Act 2003 will be considered in the best interest of the patient. Ask a member of staff if you would like more information about this.

You will see that the staff wear uniforms. They do wear name badges and will introduce themselves to you. If you wish to speak with a particular member of staff please ask at the nurses' office. While you are with us you will be given a qualified nurse who will discuss any suggested treatments. This is your named nurse and they will help you to make choices about your care.

Your named nurse is:


Your Doctor is:



What happens when I arrive?

One of the nurses will take you to your room and if you are feeling well enough show you around the unit.
You will be asked some questions to help us care for you:

  • your name, date of birth and address will be checked
  • who your Named Person is or who we contact about you
  • how you are feeling
  • what medicines you are taking
  • you will be asked to give the nurse any medicines you have with you
  • who you would be happy for us to give facts about you over the phone

You and your friends and family can ask about anything you are not sure of at any time.

A doctor will speak to you about how you are feeling soon after you come into the unit. He or she will arrange for you to be physically examined.

Daily routine

People with mental health problems vary in how long it takes them to recover. Some may be in hospital longer than most other hospital stays. This will depend on their illness.

When someone is admitted to hospital it can be a very stressful time for everyone. Staff are aware of this and will try to minimise any concerns and anxieties you may have. You will have a named nurse who will be responsible for your care. if you agree they will also keep your relative informed.

They can offer your relative:

  • Support and advice
  • Information on medicines, treatment and illness

Wards assessments

The team, together with the patient will draw up an individual treatment plan this will be reviewed on a regular basis. Patients can choose to have a copy of their care plan and or give to their relative. The consultant psychiatrist and or the team doctor meets with each patient weekly and will also review the
patient's care at the weekly meeting with staff. These meetings are called ward assessments. They are held to:

  • monitor the patient's progress
  • share information regarding care and treatment and the patient's response to this
  • discuss possible changes in treatment
  • arrange passes for time off the ward

Risk assessment is also reviewed at this meeting. This is carried out at point of admission and is an ongoing process taking into consideration all aspects of risk involved in the patient's care.

Ward programme

Patients are encouraged to take part in a ward programme. This has therapeutic, educational and social
activities. It is reviewed and discussed with patients at the 'Engagement group' which is held every morning in the lounge.

Meal times

These are important times of the day and all non-essential staff activity stops to allow staff the time to assist and support patients during mealtimes. Upon admission staff will inform you of how to order your meals and when and where meals and snacks are served. if you miss a meal staff will inform you of how to obtain a meal out with the normal mealtimes. The kitchen caters for a wide range of special diets therefore it is important to alert staff if you require one.

If you or your relatives require further information, including information on what food and fluids can be brought into hospital for you, a Catering Services leaflet is available from staff.

If at any time you would like to make a comment regarding the catering service please inform staff who will provide you with the appropriate form.

Visiting times 

We are extremely flexible and will welcome visitors at any time however meal times can be a busy time so if possible we ask that visitors avoid below times however it may be that you would like visitors company  / support during these times therefore staff will accommodate where possible, it may be asked due to  other patients wishes that you and your visitor go to another area in the ward to have your meal.

Visitors should contact the ward before visiting to make sure that you will be on the ward/not in therapy.

We would ask relatives to avoid contacting or visiting the ward during these times

  • 8.45 am - 9.45 am
  • 11.45 am - 1.15 pm
  • 4.45 pm - 5.45 pm

Going home

During your stay plans will be made for going home. These will be discussed with you and your relative.

The transition from hospital to home should be a smooth process this will include you leaving hospital with a follow up appointment .


Staff try to develop therapeutic relationships with their patients. It may be helpful to know that the staff will wish to keep your relative fully informed about your care. However they can only do this if the patient agrees.


Your stay in hospital may affect your benefit. if you need advice we can arrange a visit from a social worker or welfare benefits officer.

Personal property

NHS Borders cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to a patient or visitors property. That is except for money or small valuable handed over for safe keeping for which a receipt has been obtained.

We can keep some money for each patient but where possible large sums of money and valuable should be left at home.

Other information

We have an observation/engagement policy in place:

  • this is to keep you safe at a time when you are feeling unwell
  • you will be assessed by a doctor to decide the level of contact with staff you need
  • this will change with treatment. We will involve you, your family and friends as much as possible

You can ask for more information on the observation policy from the nursing staff at any time.

We have several surveillance cameras outside the building. This is to make sure that safety and security of all patients, staff and visitors to the ward

No drugs or alcohol can be brought into the ward. If there are suspicions that illegal substances have been
brought in, nursing staff and the police can carry out searches

Can I have my washing done?

There is a washing machine in the unit which you can use. We can send your clothes to the laundry at the BGH but they need to be marked with your name. Relatives can also take laundry home if they wish.

Please supply own tolietries when coming into hospital. If you have been unable to organise this prior to
admission the RVS shop at the hospital reception sell a limited range of toiletries - Lindean staff are happy to support patients who need to purchase supplies.

We welcome your views

We hope you will feel well cared for during your stay in the ward. We want you to say if you have any worries. It is also helpful if you want to make any suggestions. You will be sent a patient and carer satisfaction questionnaire after you leave hospital. We welcome your comments and feedback. This helps us address and change practices if need be.

If you have any comments, suggestions or complains please as any member of staff for help.

Ward contact details

Editorial Information

Next review date: 01/05/2026

Author(s): Lambert Y.

Author email(s): yolanda.lambert@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Lambert Y.