Dining room services for visitors


NHS Borders 

Catering Department
Borders General Hospital
 Phone: 01896 826138


Visitors are welcome in the Dining Room. We are open every day (with limited opening at Christmas and New

Our opening times are:

Monday - Friday
8.00am - 4.30pm
5.00pm - 7.15pm
Saturday & Sunday
8.30am - 11.00am
12 noon - 4.00pm
5.00pm - 7.15pm

Hot food is available at the following times:

  • Breakfast 08.00am - 10.30am (8.30am - 10.30am on Saturday & Sunday)
  • Lunch 12.00 noon - 2.00 pm
  • Supper 5.00 pm - 7.15pm
  • Hot and cold drinks, sandwiches and snacks are available at all times.


Children are welcome to use the dining room when with an adult, there are high chairs available for young children. We ask that they remember the dining room is the staff’s rest area.


The prices shown on the menu board are for staff. An additional charge for visitors and patients is also shown.
We provide a range of food choices suitable for all dietary needs.

These include:

• traditional
• vegetarian and
• vegan snacks

Please note this is a self clear dining room. We ask you to clear your table and place trays and dishes/cutlery etc only on the trolleys. Bins are provided for all other rubbish and recycling.

Comments and improvements

We are always pleased to receive comments on the service we provide.

Ask to speak to the Catering Manager or Supervisor. Or, fill in one of the forms in the dining room by the clearing trolleys at the exit of the dining room.

Catering standards

Our aim is to provide you with an excellent service.

The staff dining room holds the Healthy living plus Award.

If you have a friend or relative in hospital, and have any questions or suggestions about the food served to
patients, please ask one of the nursing staff to contact the Catering Manager.

How to find the dining room

the Dining Room is on the first floor of the hospital in the blue zone at the top of the stairs, turn right and then first right again it is along this corridor, opposite the Pharmacy

Health and safety

For your safety and comfort, please tell a member of staff if:

  • anything is spilt or broken or
  • there is an accident.

Fire safety

A hospital is the only kind of property where you do not leave the building as soon as the alarm sounds.

At first the alarm sounds for a short time throughout the building to let everyone know there is a fire. It then
changes according to where the fire is.

A hospital is like a lot of “boxes” all linked together. These boxes are all fire protected, so that in boxes where
there is no fire the alarm changes or stops. This is for the comfort of patients.

The staff in the area you are in will let you know what to do when the alarm sounds.

There are detailed Fire Action notices throughout the hospital.

Editorial Information

Next review date: 31/05/2024

Author(s): Thomson M.

Author email(s): muriel.thomson@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Thomson M.