Welcome to the Borders Stroke Unit (BSU)


NHS Borders 

Borders Stroke Unit
Borders General Hospital
  tel:01896 826011

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"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."

Welcome to the Borders Stroke Unit (BSU)


Welcome to the Borders Stroke Unit (BSU). You have been admitted during the acute phase of your illness to the Stroke Unit in the Borders General Hospital.

Here you will be assessed by the Stroke Multidisciplinary Team (MDT) consisting of Stroke Consultant, Stroke Ward Nurses, Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech and Language Therapist and Dietician. Collaborative rehabilitation goals and treatment will be discussed with you and your relatives/ next of kin, as appropriate.

If you have any questions on your healthcare experience, please don't hesitate to raise them with the Senior Charge Nurse/ Charge Nurse or in their absence, a member of the multi-professional team looking after you.

Preventing pressure ulcers

Following a Stroke, and as part of rehabilitation, patients may have to spend more time in an armchair, wheelchair or bed due to reduced mobility. Unfortunately this means you could be at an increased risk of developing a Pressure Ulcer. In such circumstances, the ward team implement a care bundle to ensure we reduce the risk of pressure ulcers developing and we are keen for relative and patient participation. Please read the Pressure Ulcer Prevention leaflet and discuss any concerns with staff.

Ask a member of staff about what you could do yourself to help prevent a pressure ulcer happening to you.

Eating food

You may have difficulty swallowing food following your Stroke. If you have been placed Nil by Mouth (NBM) this is for safety reasons as food or fluid could enter your lungs causing such complications as pneumonia. Sometimes patients require special thickeners to be mixed with food and drinks or need to be fed by the nursing team who have lots of experience in supporting patients manage their food intake.

Please ask your relatives/ next of kin to discuss your feeding needs with a member of staff before they give you anything to eat and drink.

Infection control

Patient safety is a key priority. Please ensure your family/ next of kin and visitors gel their hands before and after each visit. If you are being nursed in a side room, ask your visitors to discuss any special precautions they should take with a member of staff.


Toiletries: Ask your relatives/ next of kin to ensure you have adequate toiletries for your personal care needs.

Laundry: We would normally expect relatives/ next of kin to wash your clothes. If you have any difficulties with this, please speak with a member of staff.

Personal belongings: We are aware personal belongings can be a helpful aid in your recovery. However robust infection control measures require regular washing of worktops and reducing fire hazards requires minimising unnecessary clutter. Please ensure personal belongings are kept to a minimum. Please ensure money and valuables are kept to a minimum.

Flowers: Patients often receive flowers in hospital. Unfortunately flowers restrict access in the patient areas and they are also acknowledged as an increased infection control risk and combustible fire risk. We would therefore ask that flowers are not brought into the Borders Stroke Unit.

Please ask your relatives/ next of kin to regularly review your locker contents to ensure belongings are kept to a minimum.

Relative/Carer Involvement

Patients always benefit from being away from the bedside. If your relative/carer is willing and able to take you out, we have a sitting room you can access. You might also want to visit the RVS Canteen or the Dining Room.

Staff will be happy to help you prepare for excursions. If your relative / carer would like to be involved directly with your care and, or rehabilitation, this is actively welcomed so please speak with the Nurse in charge.


Being in hospital is a worrying time for your relatives and friends. We will always endeavour to keep your Next of Kin updated with your condition. However should they wish to make a phone call enquiry we request relatives elect one key member to phone after 9:00am.


Your initial treatment will be delivered in the Stroke Unit; however it is expected you may require active rehabilitation and assessment of your future care needs in a Community Hospital within NHS Borders.


Visiting time in the Borders Stroke unit is between 14:00-19:00, but we ask that you limit visitors to 2 visitors per patient. We also have a patient rest period from 13:00 - 14:00 and we would ask that you avoid visiting at this time. In certain circumstances alternative visiting times will be considered please speak with the Nurse in Charge in advance of arriving.

Due to the severity of some patients' conditions, it is not always possible for trained staff to meet with every Next of Kin during visiting hours. If you have any questions or concerns please be assured it is encouraged to approach staff who will endeavour to speak with you where possible.

The Stroke Team are always open to feedback, ideas, and concerns and will listen positively to any issues raised. There is also the opportunity for feedback to be provided via the Care Opinion Service details can be provided by members of the team.


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 21/07/2024

Next review date: 30/06/2027

Author(s): Joshi B.

Version: v2

Author email(s): bhav.joshi@borders.scot.nhs.uk.

Approved By: Clinical Governance & Quality

Reviewer name(s): Hawkins H, Chun Y.