Borders View (Ward 12)
NHS Borders
Contact us:
Borders General Hospital
Please contact the service for a copy of this information in an alternative format or language.
For further information about Borders View please contact:
tel:01896 826012
"Information given on this site is not meant to take the place of a talk with your doctor or health worker."
Your discharge plan will be in place before admission to Borders View. This may include a social work assessment or occupational therapist visit to home.
We will keep you informed of plans to support you at home or place of care if unable to go straight there.
We will ensure that you are ready and able to move on at the end of your stay in Borders View.
Transitional care is for individuals who no longer need to be in an acute hospital ward. It provides the opportunity to consider what your longer-term support needs are. You are a service user rather than a patient whilst in the facility. Health professionals provide support whilst you are here.
Why am I moving?
You are ready for discharge but not for home. This may be for one or more of the following reasons.
You are awaiting:
- a package of care for home
- 24hr care placement
- assessment for equipment or changes in your home
- social work assessment
- rehousing
A team is there to support you!
- Consultant Geriatrician
- Nurse
- Health Care Support Workers
- Activities Co-ordinator
- Wider multi-disciplinary team
You will have a personal plan agreed before admission to Borders View. Staff will check your progress and be there to help and encourage you to achieve the goals set out in your plan.
Our services are shaped by you. Your feedback is important to us.
Please contact our Patient Experience Team or leave feedback with the Nurse in Charge of the ward.