Penetrating neck injury
Anatomical zones of the neck
Management principles
- If the platysma is not breached, a significant injury is effectively excluded.
- If this distinction cannot be made, then further investigation is required.
- Ensure early airway assessment and consider a definitive airway early where appropriate.
Access for hard and soft signs
Hard signs | Soft signs |
Imaging vs. theatre
- Unstable patients with hard signs require emergency surgery.
- Perform immediate CTA Neck in patients with hard signs not requiring emergency surgery.
- Perform immediate CTA Neck in patients with soft signs.
Other injuries to consider
If there is concern for aerodigestive injury despite normal / equivocal CTA:
- Consider Barium Swallow in conjunction with laryngoscopy / esophagoscopy.
- Consider ENT and cardiothoracic involvement as required. Some Zone 1 injuries will require a thoracotomy for proximal control.