“Registered nurses play a leadership role in coordinating and managing the complex nursing and integrated care needs of people at any stage of their lives, across a range of organisations and settings. They contribute to processes of organisational change through an awareness of local and national policies”

future-nurse-proficiencies.pdf (nmc.org.uk)


Please remember: Always access the staff intranet from a NHS Tayside computer
If you see a broken link or you feel something is missing please let us know by contacting tay.clinicalskills@nhs.scot

Ways to evidence learning

NHS Tayside staff intranet 

LearnPro or Turas (please log in and navigate to your module of choice)

    1. Team Working
    2. Health Records Management
    3. Involving Patients Carers and the Public

Scottish Government

Other, including online reference

Related Policy/Frameworks

NHS Tayside staff intranet (please log in and navigate to your module of choice)

Turas (please log in and navigate to your module of choice)


Scottish Government

Health & Social Care Scotland