NHS Tayside staff intranet
Statutory and Mandatory training
(accessed via LearnPro)
- Learn Blood Transfusion: Safe Transfusion Practice
- Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression: Level 1
Clinicalskills.net Staffnet Clinical Systems (scot.nhs.uk) Please click link from staffnet to log in with the NHS Tayside log in
- Respiratory skills 1&2
- Venepuncture, Cannulation & Blood cultures
- Conducting a 12 lead ECG
- IV medicine Administration
- Vital Signs and NEWS2
- Trauma Informed Care
- Oral Health for Dependent Adults
- Resuscitation Skills Day
- Deteriorating Patient Assessment Course
- Basic Life Support
- Intermediate Life Support
- Advanced Life Support
- Resuscitation Decisions and Planning
NHS Tayside translation and interpretation service
LearnPro and NES (please log in and navigate to your module of choice)
- NHST: Braun Infusion pump
- NHST: Ambulatory Infusion Pump
- NHST: Acute Pain (PCA & Epidural)
- Delirium – Prevention, Management and Support
- NES: CSMEN Chest Drains Skills Resource
- Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression: Level 2
- NHST Medicines Administration
- NHST IV Therapy
- NHST Anaphylaxis
- Central Venous Access Devices
- NES: Aseptic technique
- Learn Blood Transfusion: Role specific modules
LearnPro Events
- Leg Ulcer Care https://nhs.learnprouk.com/
- Wound Assessment and Management https://nhs.learnprouk.com/
- Urinary Catheterisation https://nhs.learnprouk.com/
Other resources
- Blood Products and Blood Transfusion
- Complex Wound Management (Smith Nephew)
- Clinicalskills.net (Please click link from staffnet above and use the NHS Tayside log in)