NHS Tayside staff intranet
Statutory and and Mandatory training
Staffnet LearnPro (scot.nhs.uk): navigate to "Manual Handling"
NHS Tayside Resuscitation Team: choose from the following
- Resuscitation Skills Day
- Deteriorating Patient Assessment Course
- Basic Life Support
- Intermediate Life Support
- Advanced Life Support
- Resuscitation Decisions and Planning
- NHS Tayside Clinical Skills Programme: choose from the following
- Respiratory skills 1&2
- Venepuncture, Cannulation & Blood cultures
- Urinary Catheterisation
- Culture and Civility
- MUST and Nutrition – to be added
- Recording a 12 lead ECG
- IV medicine Administration
- Vital Signs and NEWS2
- Trauma Informed Care
Staffnet Clinical Systems (scot.nhs.uk) Please click link from staffnet to log in with the NHS Tayside log in.
Hearte Rhythm Recognition and 12 lead ECG interpretation, Cardiac conditions. HEARTe - CHSS eLearning
Staffnet Organ and Tissue Donation (scot.nhs.uk)
- Shared Decision Making (Realistic Medicine)
NHS Tayside community listening service
Turas and LearnPro (please log in and navigate to your module you choice)
- Turas
- NHST: Vital Signs & NEWS2
- Dementia Skilled Practice
- Learning Disabilities
- NHST ReSPECT Awareness
- Bereavement and Loss for NHS Scotland
- Developing your Trauma Skilled Practice
- Introduction to Delirium
- Introduction to Trauma
- Palliative care
- MUST Screening and Nutritional Care Planning
Scottish Government
Online reference
Palliative and end of life care
Organ and tissue donation
- Clinicalskills.net Staffnet Clinical Systems (scot.nhs.uk) Please click link from staffnet to log in with the NHS Tayside log in
- Hearte - Rhythm Recognition and 12 lead ECG interpretation, Cardiac conditions
- Rockwood Clinical Frailty
- Silver Book - Holistic assessment of Older People
- NES Capacity and Consent
- Care for people affected by stroke
- Respiratory assessment, conditions and treatment
- Clinicalskills.net