NHS Tayside staff intranet
- Safe Information Handling
- Equality
- Diversity
- Human Rights
- Preventing Bullying and Harassment
- Equality and Diversity Champions
- Practice Development Programme
- Realistic Medicine (intranet see also Realistic Medicine in online resources down below)
Clinicalskills.net Staffnet Clinical Systems (scot.nhs.uk) Please click link from staffnet to log in with the NHS Tayside log in.
LearnPro or Turas (please log in and then navigate to your module of choice)
- Communication
- Duty of Candour
- Civility
- Culture and Conformity
- Person Centredness
- Person Centredness in Practice
- Exploring Research and Finding Evidence
- Facilitating Learning Feedback
- Record Keeping
- NHST: Datix Incident Reporting
- Cultural humility
- Community Documentation and Record Keeping
- Record Keeping
>Turas 360 Feedback
>Turas appraisal
>Turas Professional Portfolio
- Engagement and completion of appraisal process (accessed via staff intranet)
- Communication
- Restorative Clinical Supervision
>Turas Cultural Humility (Please click link from staffnet to log in with the NHS Tayside log in)
Scottish Government
Other, including online reference
- Realistic Medicine
- Person-Centred Practice Framework
- Delivery of Person Centred Care
- Queen’s Nursing Institute - antiracism in nursing practice
- Clinicalskills.net (Please click link from staffnet above and use the NHS Tayside log in)
- BMJ Best Practice
- The Knowledge Network