
Calcium Supplements

Preferred list (P)

ADCAL® chewable tablets

  • Each tablet contains calcium carbonate 1.5 g (calcium 600 mg or Ca2+ 15  mmol)


Total list (T)

CALVIVE® 1000 effervescent tablets (formerly Sandocal® 1000 effervescent tablets)

  • Each tablet contains calcium carbonate 1.75 gram and calcium lactate gluconate 2.263 gram (calcium 1000 mg or Ca225 mmol).
  • Sandocal® has been rebranded as Calvive®. Active ingredients remain the same, however excipients differ.

Prescribing Notes:


Preferred list (P)

MAGNESIUM ASPARTATE (Magnaspartate® sachets)

  • Each 6.5g Magnaspartate® sachet contains magnesium aspartate equivalent to 243mg (10mmol) of magnesium.
  • One or two sachets once daily.
  • Dissolve sachet contents in 50–200 mL water, tea or orange juice and take immediately.
  • When dissolved in bottled water and stored below 25°C, the solution can be taken within 24 hours.


Total list (T)


  • Each magnesium glycerophosphate chewable tablet contains magnesium 97mg (4mmol Mg2+).
  • The dosage regimen should be adjusted according to the serum total magnesium level of the individual patient
  • Starting doses for adult patients are recommended as 4-8 mmol (1-2 tablets) administered 3 times a day
  • Manufacturer advises to monitor serum magnesium levels every 3–6 months.

Prescribing Notes:

  • There are other magnesium preparations available however, many are unlicensed supplements.
  • Unlicensed supplements should not be prescribed where the licensed medicinal product will meet the needs of the patient.

NHSL Joint Adult Formulary Key

To indicate the category of a formulary medicine, updated sections adopt the following key:

Preferred list (P): First-line formulary choices.

Total list (T): Alternative choices when preferred list options not effective/not tolerated, or not indicated.

Specialist initiation (S1): Specialist initiation, or on the advice of a Consultant or Specialist Practitioner in this therapeutic area. Continuation in primary care is acceptable.

Specialist use only (S2): Supply via hospital, Homecare Service or a hospital based prescription (HBP) for dispensing by community pharmacy. Not prescribed in primary care setting.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/01/2022

Next review date: 31/01/2025

Author(s): NHSL.

Version: Please refer to the introduction section for an explanation of the review dates above.

Approved By: ADTC

Reviewer name(s): ADTC.