This section describes the management of chronic non-malignant pain in terms of the WHO Pain Ladder, as a stepwise approach to managing pain is sensible. However, it was not designed for the management of chronic pain and so prescribers should be mindful that management of chronic pain is often difficult and response to pharmacological treatments may be poor. Optimisation of analgesia at each step is important to avoid unnecessary polypharmacy.
There is limited evidence for the long-term use of opioids in the management of chronic non-malignant pain. Efficacy of opioids should be regularly reviewed following initiation or dose increase. If a 30% reduction in pain score or significant improvement in functional ability is not achieved, the opioid should be tapered and withdrawn.
The Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) has recommended that fentanyl transdermal patches are contraindicated in opioid-naive patients in the UK. Other analgesics and other opioids should be used before prescribing fentanyl patches for non-cancer pain. Please see the MHRA Drug Safety Update (September 2020) for further information.
The Pain Assessment and Documentation Tool (PADT) can be used to assess baseline pain score and functional ability.