
Antiplatelet Drugs

Preferred list (P)


  • Restriction: Enteric coated preparations of aspirin do not reduce the risk of GI complications and are not recommended for use within NHS Lanarkshire.



Specialist initiation (S1)


  • Indication: Adult patients with ST elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).
  • Please see local guidance link below for further information.


  • 60mg preparation not recommended by SMC when co-administered with acetylsalicylic acid for the prevention of atherothrombotic events in adult patients with a history of myocardial infarction and a high risk of developing an atherothrombotic event.

Prescribing Notes:

  • Antiplatelets are recommended for the secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease. Choice of antiplatelet(s) and duration of treatment will depend on the type(s) of cardiovascular disease present, individual patient risk factors (e.g. risk of bleeding versus risk of atherothrombotic event) and adverse effects.
  • All antiplatelets are associated with an increased risk of GI complications. Prescribing a proton pump inhibitor reduces this risk and should be considered for patients who are at a high risk of GI adverse effects.
  • Acute Coronary Syndrome

NHSL Joint Adult Formulary Key

To indicate the category of a formulary medicine, updated sections adopt the following key:

Preferred list (P): First-line formulary choices.

Total list (T): Alternative choices when preferred list options not effective/not tolerated, or not indicated.

Specialist initiation (S1): Specialist initiation, or on the advice of a Consultant or Specialist Practitioner in this therapeutic area. Continuation in primary care is acceptable.

Specialist use only (S2): Supply via hospital, Homecare Service or a hospital based prescription (HBP) for dispensing by community pharmacy. Not prescribed in primary care setting.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/01/2022

Next review date: 31/01/2025

Author(s): NHSL.

Version: Please refer to the introduction section for an explanation of the review dates above.

Approved By: ADTC

Reviewer name(s): ADTC.