Emollients should be applied regularly to maintain improvement. Apply after a bath or a shower when the skin is still damp. Where emollients are being applied to the whole body twice daily, children may need 250g per week and adults 500g per week.
Oatmeal-containing products (e.g. Aveeno®) show no superior action, are not routinely recommended and are non-formulary in NHS Lanarkshire.
Risk of severe and fatal burns
The MHRA published a Drug Safety Update in December 2018 about the risk of severe and fatal burns with both paraffin-containing and paraffin-free emollients.
Patients should be advised to:
- Avoid smoking
- Change and wash clothes and bedding frequently
- Keep cream off furniture
- Tell relatives and carers about their treatment and ask how they can help to reduce risk
- Tell their healthcare professional if they normally smoke, as they can offer help and advice to stop smoking.
Downloadable digital resources (including a leaflet, poster and PowerPoint presentation) are available from the MHRA website.