DMARDs - Monitoring Overview


Conventional DMARDs Monitoring Overview

The following provides up-to-date advice on the monitoring requirements for conventional medications used with Rheumatology Homecare Medicines Services. The monitoring schedules are based on the BSR and BHPR Guideline for the Prescription and Monitoring of Non-biologic Disease-Modifying Anti-rheumatic Drugs accredited by NICE.

Drugs and Their Monitoring Requirements and Schedule


  • FBC, U&E, LFT every 2 weeks until dose stable for 6 weeks; monthly for 3 months; then every 3 months


  • FBC, U&E, LFT, Glc, BP every 2 weeks until dose stable for 3 months; then monthly


  • No blood monitoring requirements


  • FBC, U&E, LFT, BP, weight every 2 weeks until dose stable for 6 weeks; monthly for 3 months; then every 3 months


  • FBC, U&E, LFT every 2 weeks until dose stable for 6 weeks; monthly for 3 months; then every 3 months


  • FBC, U&E, LFT every 2 weeks until dose stable for 6 weeks; monthly for 3 months; then every 3 months


  • FBC, U&E, LFT, urinalysis every 2 weeks until dose stable for 6 weeks; monthly for 3 months; then every 3 months


  • FBC, U&E, LFT every 2 weeks until dose stable for 6 weeks; monthly for 3 months; then every 3 months until 1year; after 1 year no monitoring required

Biologic DMARDs Monitoring Overview

The following provides up-to-date advice on the monitoring requirements for biologic medications used with Rheumatology Homecare Medicines Services. The monitoring schedules are based on The British Society for Rheumatology Biologic DMARD Safety Guidelines in Inflammatory Arthritis accredited by NICE.

Drugs and Their Monitoring Requirements and Schedule


  • FBC, U&Es, LFTs every 6 months


  • FBC, U&Es, LFTs every 6 months


  • FBC monthly for 6 months, then every 3 months


  • FBC, U&Es, LFTs every 6 months


  • FBC, U&Es, LFTs every 6 months


  • FBC, U&Es, LFTs every 6 months


  • FBC at 3 months, then every 6 months


  • Check FBC, LFT, lipids 4-8 weeks then check FBC, LFTs every 3 months and lipids every 6 months


  • FBC, U&E’s LFTs at 3 months; then every 6 months


  • Fasting lipid profile at 4-8 weeks after starting drug
  • FBC, U&E, LFT every 4-8 weeks for first 6 months then every 3 months


  • FBC, U&E, LFT every 6 months


  • Fasting lipid profile 12 weeks after starting drug
  • FBC, U&E, LFTs at 4 weeks, 12 weeks and every 3 to 6 months thereafter


  • Fasting lipid profile 12 weeks after starting drug
  • FBC, U&E, LFTs at 4 weeks, 12 weeks and every 3 to 6 months thereafter


  • Fasting lipid profile 8 weeks after starting drug
  • FBC, U&E, LFTs at 4 weeks, 12 weeks and every 3 months thereafter


  • Fasting lipid profile 12 weeks after starting drug
  • FBC, U&E, LFTs at 4 weeks, 12 weeks and every 3 to 6 months thereafter

Resources/Supporting Evidence:

Holroyd C.R., Seth R.M., Malaviya A., Holmes C., Curtis E., Chan C., Yusuf M.A., Litwic A., Smolen S., Topliffe J., Bennett S., Humphreys J., Green M., Ledingham J. (2019) The British Society for Rheumatology biologic DMARD safety guidelines in inflammatory arthritis. Rheumatology, Volume 58(2), pp. 220-226. DOI:

Ledingham J., Gullick N., Irving K., Gorodkin R., Aris M., Burke J., Gordon P., Christidis D., Galloway S., Hayes E., Jeffries A., Mercer S., Mooney J., van Leuven S., Galloway J.; BSR and BHPR Standards, Guidelines and Audit Working Group (2017) BSR and BHPR guideline for the prescription and monitoring of non-biologic disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. Rheumatology, Volume 56(6), pp. 865-868. DOI:

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 16/11/2021

Next review date: 16/11/2024

Author(s): Dr Karen Donaldson (lead author), Dr Elizabeth Murphy, Professor Robin Munro, Dr Sanjiv Nandwani, Dr Saira Batool, Dr Georgiana Young, (other contributors to documents included in guideline).

Version: V1

Approved By: Dr Karen Donaldson Rheumatology Clinical Lead; Rheumatology Consultants

Reviewer name(s): Karen Donaldson.