Specific fracture management in ED


  • Admit to ward:
    • inform middle grade on-call bleep
    • ortho 4561
    • hand 3124
  • Allow home:
    • inform middle grade on-call
    • to be discussed at 8.30am trauma meeting
    • fracture or hand
  • Virtual clinic:
    • fracture or hand

Routinely use wool and crepe / splint / polysling / moonboot for support.

(POP slab only for unstable injuries / specific indications.

Clavical - shoulder - upper limb

#Clavical - adults: 

  • initial treatment: polysling
  • management: virtual clinic

#Clavical shaft children:

  • initial treatment: polysling
  • management: discharge/leaflet

#neck of humerus:

  • initial treatment: collar and cuff
  • management: virtual clinic (dementia/nursing home - discharge leaflet)

#shaft of humerus:

  • initial treatment: velcro brace, collar and cuff
  • management: virtual clinic

dislocated shoulder:

  • initial treatment: polysling after reduction
  • management: virtual clinic

acromio - clavicar jt injury:

  • initial treatment: polysling
  • management: virtual clinic

dislocated elbow:

  • initial treatment: reduce/polysling/backslab depending on discomfort
  • management: virtual clinic

supracondylar #humerus (children) undisplaced:

  • initial treatment: above elbow POP backslab
  • management: virtual clinic

supracondylar #humerus (children) displaced:

  • initial treatment: above elbow POP backslab
  • management: admit for MUA/wires

#head/neck of radius undisplaced/min displaced + fat pad positive (no fracture seen):

  • initial treatment: collar and cuff
  • management: discharge / leaflet. Children - virtual clinic

#head/neck of radius - angulated #/comminuted:

  • initial treatment: collar and cuff
  • management: virtual clinic


  • initial treatment: wool and crepe / polysling
  • management: 
    • undisplaced: virtual clinic
    • displaced: admit for ORIF

Scaphoid# or ? scapoid#:

  • initial treatment: splint
  • management: virtual clinic

Displaced forearm #s, monteggia # dislocation, galeazzi # dislocation:

  • initial treatment: above elbow POP backslab
  • management: admit for ORIF

Smith's / Barton's #:

  • initial treatment: POP backslab
  • management: admit for ORIF

Isolated ulna shaft #:

  • initial treatment: above elbow POP backslab
  • management: admit for ORIF

Colles #: see protocol below

Closed mallet finger (if open refer to hand surgeon on call):

  • initial treatment: mallet splint
  • management: discharge / leaflet



Lower limb - pelvis

Displaced/unstable ankle fractures: 

  • initial treatment: reduce/backslab and then x-ray
  • management: admit for ORIF

# lat malleolus - no talar shift:

  • initial treatment: velcro boot
  • management: virtual clinic

Isolated # metatarsals/phalanges including # 5MT shaft/base

  • initial treatment: velcro boot
  • management: discharge/leaflet
  • #5MT diametaphysis/Jones # - virtual clinic:

Multiple metatarsals #s / crushed foot:

  • initial treatment: padded crepe, analgesia and crutches
  • management: admit

Tendo-achilles rupture (squeeze test):

  • initial treatment: POP in equinus (if out of hours wool/crepe and plaster room am)
  • management: fracture clinic


  • initial treatment: treat hypovolaemia if required
  • major disruption: pelvis splint
  • management: admit

# pubic ramus: 

  • initial treatment: analgesia
  • management: admit - if nursing home resident, discharge if pain allows
  • NB: if non-weight bearing with negative x-rays and hip pain admit ortho for MRI

# neck of femur:

  • initial treatment: analgesia, IV access and fluids, ECG.
  • exclude compounding problems e.g. pneumonia etc.
  • management: admit

# femur shaft:

  • initial treatment: treat hypovolaemia, x match, nerve block IV analgesia, Thomas splint before x-ray
  • management: admit

# patella:

  • initial treatment: Camp splint
  • management: admit

intercondylar tibial avulsion #:

  • initial treatment: Camp splint
  • management: admit

# tibial condyle - undisplaced:

  • initial treatment: Camp splint (only aspirate haemarthrosis if tense)
  • management: virtual clinic

# tibial condyle - displaced:

  • initial treatment: Camp splint
  • management: admit

# tibial shaft - closed, undisplaced:

  • initial treatment: above knee POP backslab
  • management: admit (for elevation +/- fixation)

# tibial shaft - displaced, pilon # (intra-articular distal tibia):

  • initial treatment: above knee POP backslab
  • management: admit

Soft tissue knee injury (haemarthrosis, no fracture) e.g. ligamentous injuries, patellar dislocation, meniscal injuries:

  • initial treatment: Camp splint
  • management: knee clinic if aged below 40. Otherwise virtual clinic (refer ortho if history suggests tibio-femoral dislocation).

Locked knee (unable to fully extend):

  • initial treatment: bandage/crutches/NWB
  • management: discuss with ortho reg


Distal radial fractures

Children with undisplaced / minimally displaced greenstick #s:

  • initial treatment: POP slab / softcast
  • management: virtual clinic

Children "torus buckle" #s:

  • initial treatment: splint
  • management: discharge / leaflet

Children (under 13 years), displaced #s requiring manipulation:

  • initial treatment: POP slab
  • management: refer ortho, admit paediatrics.

Adult undisplaced / minimally displaced #s:

  • initial treatment: splint
  • management: virtual clinic

No functional demand e.g. dementia, paralysed limb patients (stroke):

  • initial treatment: POP slab
  • Bier's block or refer ortho

High energy injury, open#, neurological deficit, # off ended, grossly unstable # of distal radius and ulna:

  • initial treatment: POP slab
  • admit for ORIF

Hand fractures

# base / shaft 1st metacarpal:

  • initial treatment: Futura splint and thumb extension
  • management: virtual clinic, hand

Bennett's # (intra-articular Base 1st MC):

  • initial treatment: Futura splint and thumb extension
  • management: virtual clinic, hand

# 5th metacarpal neck undisplaced:

  • initial treatment: buddy strap
  • management: discharge / leaflet

# 5th metacarpal neck displaced:

  • initial treatment: Volar splint and strap
  • management: virtual clinic, hand

# metacarpal shaft / base undisplaced:

  • initial treatment: Volar splint and strap
  • management: discharge / leaflet

# metacarpal shaft / base displaced:

  • initial treatment: Volar splint and strap
  • management: virtual clinic, hand

Undisplaced prox / middle phalangeal #s:

  • initial treatment: buddy strap
  • management: virtual clinic, hand

Displaced  / rotated proximal / middle phalangeal #s:

  • initial treatment: Volar splint and strap
  • management: virtual clinic, hand

Dislocated IP joints:

  • initial treatment: reduce, buddy strap
  • management: virtual clinic, hand


Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 31/10/2019

Author(s): Love, G., Donald, C..