ED limping child visual pathway

ED limping child visual pathway

STARTFINISHCreated with SnapGuideline applies tothose childrenpresenting with a limpwho have not sufferedan acute injury to the...YESNOSTARTFINISHCreated with SnapIs this an acute injury?Does the mechanismof injury make sense?STARTFINISHCreated with SnapSenior review:Consider plain XR ofpelvisRefer orthopaedics ofongoing concernSTARTFINISHOn discharge:If symptoms notsettling early adviseGP review.PRIMARYSTARTFINISHCreated with SnapIs the pain from thehip? Remember toexamine the jointinvolved as well asthose above an below.STARTFINISHCreated with SnapSenior review:See additionalinformation box