SUDI (Sudden Unexpected Death of Infant)


This guideline explains the various roles and responsibilities in case of Sudden Unexpected Death of Infant. The information provided here does not replace the SUDI Checklists. 

Please note that all SUDI cases are reported to the Prosecutor Fiscal for investigative purposes. It is therefore important that all involved take note of times and events. 

Responsibilities in case of SUDI (ED Doctors)

ED doctors are involved with and document: 

  • Resuscitation
  • Inform and support family or relatives
  • Early involvement of paediatricians (Consultant and SR)
  • Confirmation of death
  • Inform police if not already present
  • Liaise with family and if possible obtain further history. Offer support and information: 
    • What happens next? 
    • Scottish Cot Death Trust leaflet
    • Post Mortem examination information
    • Local bereavement support 
  • Liaise with consultant paediatrician and ensure responsibility for SUDI checklist
  • Offer photography (See SUDI Photography)
  • Debrief with all staff

Responsibilities in case of SUDI (ED Nurses)

ED nursing staff are involved with and document: 

  • Resuscitation
  • Completion of "SUDI checklist for Nurses"
  • Offer support to family/relatives
  • Care of infants' body and related paperwork
  • Health visitor liaison form

Responsibilities in case of SUDI (Consultant Paediatrician)

The Consultant Paediatrician is involved with and documents:

  • Ensuring that the SUDI checklist is complete and retained with notes
  • Send any samples obtained during resuscitation to laboratory labelled "freeze and keep"
  • Obtain further history/examination 
  • Inform Procurator Fiscal if police is not already in attendance 
  • Maintain GP and child protection communication throughout the process
  • Offer family support and follow-up

Dealing with the infant body

  • Do not take further blood samples after death 
  • Remove Endotracheal tubes and cannulae after death
    • Ensure that the documentation is complete and describes where these were applied
  • Try not to wash the infant (especially hands) 
  • Attach an identity bracelet
  • Clothing and nappy should be placed in brown production bags. These will stay with the infant unless taken by CID (Criminal Investigation Department of the Police)
  • Parents should be allowed to hold the infant (supervised) after death and offered photography (See SUDI Photography)
  • You will find the Moses basket and shawl in the cupboard of treatment room 2
  • Arrange transfer to mortuary

SUDI photography

To take photographs in case of SUDI, please follow the steps below:

  1. Find the camera and printer here: 
    • Ninewells – On top of Filing cabinet in MJ and CD office
    • PRI – Desk of Consultant Office
  2. Take a photo with the camera
  3. Plug in the printer and switch it on, check for paper
  4. Attach the white USB cable to the Camera
  5. Switch on the Camera
  6. Select 'photo' on playback
  7. When the option to print appears on the camera “press SET”
  8. The photo should print
  9. Please delete any photos after use

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 01/01/2022

Next review date: 01/01/2024

Author(s): Dr Kirsty Wright, Dr Linda Clerihew, Dr Karen Pearson, Dr Rebecca Goldmann, Dr Alison White.