All late preterm infants should be started on a newborn early warning score (NEWS) chart following delivery.
Communication with parents
It is important to manage parental expectation. Whilst the baby may be well enough to be managed on the ward, these infants do in fact differ from more mature, larger babies and require more consideration. As soon as possible after birth, give parents a copy of the parent information leaflet ‘Care of the Late Preterm Infant’ (link to be added) and prepare them for a stay of at least 3 days and sometimes as much as 10 days.
Parents should also be made aware that it is relatively common for babies born at this age to require admission to the neonatal unit.
During their stay in hospital, parents should be taught how to assess the temperature, feeding and wellbeing of their baby. On discharge, parents should know how to monitor for jaundice and who to contact if they have concerns.