- When a baby receives breastmilk from a mother other than their own, the incident is treated as a significant body fluid exposure. There is a tiny but possible risk of transmission of bloodborne viruses and bacteria.
- Both families need to receive consistent information and guidance from the consultant and nurse in charge
- A Datix must be completed containing details of the incident and contributing factors, both mothers’ details and the subsequent management including any Duty of Candour discussions that have occurred since. Information required:
- Name and CHI number of exposed baby and mother
- Name and CHI number of source baby and mother
- Volume of milk administered
- Volume of milk aspirated if applicable
- Type of milk- fresh, frozen
- Date of expression of source mother’s EBM
- Details of all staff involved in the error and those informed subsequently
- How the error came about including details of the checking procedure
- Any contributing factors to the error
- Details of communication with parents including names of staff involved
The incident must also be recorded in the Badger record of the exposed baby, including the details above and those of the risk assessment below, but omitting any identifiable information about the source mother.