More secure accommodation is available in regional medium secure unit or national high secure facilities.

The Consultant responsible for the patient will make the necessary referrals for assessment.


  • Hospital managers will arrange the appropriate transport for the patient once transfer to another unit is agreed:
  • For patients detained under the criminal procedures act this is arranged through GeoAmey;
  • Patients detained under the Mental Health Act may be require specialist transfer services from a private provider. This requires the approval of the general manager, or appointed deputy.
  • Patient transfer to a higher level of security should occur within 24hours of being accepted by the receiving service.

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/05/2021

Author(s): Julia Ferrari, Joe McGhee, Duncan Westall, William McFadden, Heather Tainsh , Susan Sutherland, Marie White , Anne Cook, Justin McNicholl, Douglas Armstrong, Dr Nabila Muzaffar, Dr Stuart Affleck, Dr David Cumming, Andrew Angus, Jackie Maher, Rose Mills, Vincent Hughes.