Principles of the act
Non-discrimination: People with mental disorder should wherever possible retain the same rights and entitlements as those with other health needs.
Equality: All powers under the act should be exercised without any direct or indirect discrimination on the grounds of physical disability, age, gender, sexual orientation, language, religion, or national, ethnic, and social origin.
Respect for diversity: Patients should receive care treatment and support in a manner that accords respect for their individual qualities, abilities, and diverse background, and which properly takes into account their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnic group, social, cultural and religious background.
Reciprocity: Where society imposes and obligation on an individual to comply with a programme of treatment and care, it should impose a parallel obligation on the health and social care authorities to provide safe and appropriate services, including ongoing care following discharge from compulsion.
Informal care: Where ever possible care, treatment, and support should be provided to people with mental disorder without the use of compulsory powers.
Participation: Services users should be fully involved, in so far as they are able, in all aspects of their assessment, care, treatment, and support. Their past and present wishes should be taken into account. They should be provided with all the information and support necessary to enable them to participate fully. Information should be provided in a way which makes it most likely to be understood.
Least restrictive alternative: Any necessary care, treatment or support for Patients should be provided in the least invasive and restrictive manner, and in an environment compatible with the delivery of safe and effective care, taking account, where appropriate, of the safety of others.
Respect for carers: Those who provide care to patients on an informal basis should be respected for their role and experience, receive appropriate information and advice, and have their views and needs taken into account.
Benefit: Any intervention under the act should be likely to benefit the patient in a way that could not reasonably be achieved without it.
Child welfare: The welfare of a child with mental disorder should be paramount with regard to any interventions imposed on the child under the act.
Normal working hours: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, excluding public holidays.