A removal order under s293 allows for entry to specified premises, detention of the patient in a place of safety for up to 7 days and must be executed within 72hours of being granted.1

A place of safety means:

  • A hospital (acute or psychiatric).
  • Care home premises.
  • Other temporary suitable premises (not a police station).

The Emergency Department is often the most appropriate place for initial medical assessment, to check for psychiatric symptoms with a physical health cause.

A routine physical assessment must be included in the initial assessment.

Every patient who self-presents to services will be seen in ED.

Referrals from Police and GPs may be seen in the Mental Health Unit provided discussion between the referrer and receiving service has determined that this is safe.

1. Mental Health (Care and Treatment) (Scotland) Act 2003: Asp 13, part 19. Section 293, Removal to a place of safety. (2013).

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 28/05/2021

Author(s): Julia Ferrari, Joe McGhee, Duncan Westall, William McFadden, Heather Tainsh , Susan Sutherland, Marie White , Anne Cook, Justin McNicholl, Douglas Armstrong, Dr Nabila Muzaffar, Dr Stuart Affleck, Dr David Cumming, Andrew Angus, Jackie Maher, Rose Mills, Vincent Hughes..