PEPSE (Post Exposure Prophylaxis for Sexual Exposure to HIV) protocol


Prescribing Indications


  Index HIV+ Index HIV status unknown


detectable or unknown


Undetectable (<200)

-on ART for >6 months

-undetectable VL in last 6 months

-Reported good adherence


High * prevalence (>1%) country/ risk group


Low-prevalence country or risk group

Receptive anal sex


Not Recommended Recommended Not recommended
Insertive anal sex (patient inserts into index ) Recommended Not recommended Consider Not recommended
Receptive vaginal sex Recommended Not recommended Generally not recommended Not recommended
Insertive vaginal sex Consider Not recommended Generally not recommended Not recommended
Fellatio with or without ejaculation Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended
Splash of semen into eye Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended
Occupational and other exposures

Sharing Injecting equipment

Inc chem-sex
Recommended Not recommended** Generally not recommended Not recommended
Sharps injury or mucosal splash Recommended Not recommended** Generally not recommended Not recommended
Human Bite Generally not recommended Not recommended Not recommended Not recommended
Needlestick from discarded needle in community     Not recommended Not recommended

*High prevalence countries or risk-groups are those where there is a significant likelihood of the index case individual being HIV positive and not taking effective treatment (in most cases this equates to being undiagnosed). Within the UK at present, this is likely to be MSM (men who have sex with men), people who inject drugs from high-risk countries and individuals who have immigrated to the UK from areas of high HIV prevalence, particularly sub-Saharan Africa (high prevalence is >1%). HIV prevalence country specific HIV prevalence can be found at

** If patient HIV positive and undetectable the same evidence base for U=U does not exist for non-sexual exposures although it remains unlikely that PEP would be indicated.

Risk of HIV transmission through condom-less sexual exposures depends on

  • Type of sexual exposure – Appendix 1 shows risk per each exposure
  • HIV VL of index – If this is undetectable there is no risk
    • If unknown HIV status the risk calculation is no longer based on overall prevalence of HIV in that population but of prevalence of detectable viraemia (Appendix 2)
  • Susceptibility of recipient if index has a detectable VL

Risk of HIV transmission = risk that source is HIV positive with a detectable HIV viral load X risk per exposure

Factors increasing risk of HIV transmission

  • High VL – each log increase 9 x per act (consider primary infection)
  • Breaches in mucosal barrier – ulcers, trauma, assault, 1st intercourse
  • Menstruation/ bleeding (Theoretical)
  • Pregnancy RR 82 /Post-partum 3.97
  • Other STI's





Who should be offered PEP

  • Those with exposures in the recommended categories in the above table that are within 72 hours of last exposure.
  • In exposures where PEP is to be considered or generally not recommended, other risks that would increase HIV transmission as detailed above should be In cases where PEP is ‘generally not recommended’, it does not need to be discussed with patient unless they have enquired about it.
  • If the source patient is HIV +ve and known to have an undetectable VL, but for less than 6 months, PEP is generally not required but can be discussed with GUM senior.
  • PEP is most effective if given within 24 hours of exposure; if > 72 hours PEP is not effective and should not be given.

Special Scenarios

  • Patient on PrEP

PrEP is highly effective at preventing HIV and there is no indication for PEP if the exposed individual is on PrEP and taking it appropriately.

Indications for PEP in individuals on PrEP:

  • Risk related to Anal sexual intercourse
    • If on daily PrEP and have taken < 4 pills in last 7 days
    • If on EBD and any missed pills
  • Risk related to Vaginal/ Frontal/ Neo vaginal sexual intercourse
    • If > 48 hours since last dose or < 6 tablets in last 7 days

  • Pregnant / breastfeeding
    • A pregnancy test should be undertaken in women of childbearing age but does not exclude very early pregnancy (within the preceding 3 weeks).
    • Pregnancy or breastfeeding should not alter decision to provide PEP
    • Pregnancy increases risk of transmission and primary HIV infection would increase risk of intra-uterine infection
    • Counsel that PEP is unlicensed in pregnancy
    • In women that are breastfeeding, discuss that PEP can be transferred to the baby via the breast milk
    • Use twice daily Raltegravir

  • Sexual Assault
    • Possibility of higher risk of transmission given trauma (not evidence based), and if assailant from a group with higher prevalence of HIV viraemia, then PEP may be recommended more readily.
    • If assailant from low prevalence group it is likely PEP will not be indicated as sexual assault alone is not an indication for PEP.

  • Chronic Hepatitis B
    • If patient is on daily TDF as Hepatitis B treatment PEP unlikely to be required but discuss with GUM senior
    • If Hepatitis B diagnosed at assessment arrange assessment with Hepatitis team; if this has not occurred when PEP course is complete continue tenofovir/emtricitabine until assessed.

  • Shared use of injecting equipment (chem-sex)
    • Seroprevalence of HIV in PWID is low outside localised outbreaks (Glasgow has ongoing outbreak)
    • Consider PrEP if sexualised drug use an ongoing risk
    • PEP recommended if any contact known HIV with a detectable/unknown VL

What to do at an initial visit?

  • Baseline investigations as per table 2 – STI testing including STS, U&Es, LFTs, HIV, HepCAb, HepBsAg, HepBsAb, HepBcAb
    • If there has ever been a documented HepBsAb > 10 IU/mL , HepB testing does not need done nor HepB vaccine given
  • Pregnancy test and assess need for emergency contraception
  • Discuss transmission risk of individual encounter (risk tables in appendices often reassuring for patient as likely they will have overestimated risk)
  • If possible, establish plasma VL if source known to be HIV positive, or HIV antibody status if this is unknown, as this will affect whether PEP should be given (but do not delay initial prescription while results awaited, if PEP is indicated).
  • Discuss rationale for PEP – estimated transmission reduction of 80% but lack of conclusive evidence, most evidence from animal studies.
  • Discuss safety of PEP and side effects:
    • TDF/FTC
      • very common side effects (≥1/10) include headache, dizziness, diarrhoea, nausea,
      • common side effects (≥ 1/100 to < 1/10) include insomnia and abdominal pain (122).

These side effects are usually mild, transient and rarely treatment limiting. The risk of TDF renal toxicity is usually not clinically relevant in 1 month PEP course; if creatinine clearance < 50 however,an alternative drug should be used.

  • Raltegravir
    • Well tolerated
    • Common side effects – headache, diarrhoea, nausea, insomnia
    • Myopathy or rhabdomyolysis have been reported with INSTIs, therefore caution is required in individuals with a history of myopathy or who are using other medication associated with these conditions, for example statins
  • Check PMH & allergies
  • Check medications and OTC treatments including vitamins using HIV drug interactions website - Liverpool HIV Interactions. Raltegravir interacts with various OTC supplements and these will need usually be stopped or taken > 4 hours separate from PEP.
  • Discuss importance of adherence and what to do if missed doses
  • To re-attend urgently if develops seroconversion symptoms
  • Need for HIV test > 45 days after PEP complete and for protected sex until then
  • Discuss PrEP if likely to have ongoing risk
  • Assess Hepatitis B vaccine status, if fully vaccinated and documented antibody >10 no further vaccine required. If not see appendix 3 for management.
    • If Hepatitis B vaccine required accelerated course 0,1,2,12 months can be given
  • Organise any follow-up appointments

Table 2 Baseline Investigations and follow up


Baseline 2 weeks 12 weeks 6 months
Sexual Exposure only

STU testing
(per local policy)

Syphilis only
(and other STIs if further unprotected sexual intercourse)
All exposures

Creatinine and eFGR

only if abnormalities at baseline    

Alanine transaminase

only if abnormalities at baseline or symptomatic    

Pregnancy Test

if appropriate if appropriate  


HIV 1 & 2 Ag/Ab   HIV 1 & 2 Ag/Ab* Not required unless further exposures

Hepatitis B

HBsAb, HBsAg, HBcAb

for immunocompetent adults who have completed Hep B vaccination and responded (HBsAb ≥10 IU at any time) no baseline or follow up HepB testing is required


if unvaccinated or HBsAB <10 IU a the time of exposure


Only advised if HBsAb remains <10 IU at 12-weeks


Hepatitis C

if high risk exposure e.g HCV+ index, then HCV PCR or Hep C Ag is preferable as the window period is shorter for antigen based tests and can be requested as early as 2 weeks post exposure

if high risk exposure e.g. HCV+ index case and testing at week 12 negative:


*HIV testing can be done a minimum 45 days after completion of the PEP course (see BHIVA HIV testing guidelines for further information). The 28-day PEP course is completed this is 73 days (∼10.5 weeks) post exposure. For sexual exposure, to align with syphilis follow up testing at week 12, the HIV test can be done at the same visit.

What to prescribe?

Non-pregnant adults:

  • Emtricitabine/Tenofovir 200/245mg one tablet daily 30-day pack
  • Raltegravir 1200mg once 30-day pack
    • Issue a 30-day supply along with PIL
    • Prescribe on NASH
    • If they have already received a starter pack from elsewhere this is likely to be bd raltegravir so ensure change of dosing discussed
    • If they have received a 3-day starter pack -> issue 30-day pack including 1200mg RTG
      • If they have received a 7-day starter pack they can continue on bd RTG and issue a 21-day pack of RTG 400mg bd tablets

In pregnancy raltegravir should always be 400mg bd (Can use 600mg bd if no 400mg available) If index case has known resistance discuss at MDT

Table 3 ASHH Recommendations for PEP

  NRTI backbone (2 medications Third Agent
Recommended combination Tenofovir disoproxil 245mg, emtricitabine 200mgone tablet once daily Reltegravir 1200mg once daily b,c
Alternative 1

eGFR30-50 ml/min: Descovy: 25mg one tablet once daily




eGFRd <30ml/min: seek expert advice from ID/GUM/Sexual health team

Integrase inhibitors

Raltegravir 400mg twice daily

Doultegravir 50mg, one tablet once daily b,d

Protease inhibitors

Darunavir 800mg + ritonavir 100mgg once daily


Atazanavir 300mg + ritonavir 100mgg once daily


Alternative 2

Elvitegravir 150mg/cobicistat 150mg/tenofovir-DF 245mg/emtricitabine 200mg FDC: one tablet once dailyg 
If eGFR 30-70 ml/min elvitegravir 150mg/cobicistat 150mg/tenofovir-AF 10mg/emtricitabine 200mg FDC

Missed doses

Time since last dose Recommendation Comment
<24h Take missed does immediately; take subsequent doses at usual time Reinforce importance of adherence; re-evaluate motivation to continue PEP
24-48h Do not take any additional or missed dose; Continue PEP

Recommend stopping PEP


Extending PEP

If high-risk sex occurs during the last 2 days of the PEP course, extend the course:

  • 48h after anal sex
  • 7 days after vaginal/frontal sex

Follow up

  • If no concerns on blood tests can issue a HSK for STI screening 14 days after exposure
  • If switching from PEP to PrEP arrange PrEP new start for <28 days later (Discuss with PrEP secretary)
    • At prep new start appointment follow up testing can be arranged and second dose Hepatitis B vaccine can be given
  • If not for PrEP, arrange appointment 12 weeks post exposure for repeat HIV and syphilis testing. (The HIV test is recommended at minimum of 10.5 weeks post exposure if PEP taken, this 12 weeks is to align with syphilis testing but could be repeated earlier if significant patient anxiety). See Table 2 for required tests.

Appendix 1 - Risks per sexual exposure

Type of exposure

Estimated risk of HIV transmission per exposure from HIV + individual not on ART

Receptive anal intercourse

RAI with ejaculation

RAI without ejaculation




Insertive anal intercourse

IAI not circumcised

IAI circumcised



Receptive vaginal intercourse 1/1000
Insertive vaginal intercourse 1/1219

Semen splash to eye

Receptive/ Insertive oral sex

Human bite

< 1 in 10,000

Mucocutaneous 1/1000
Needlestick 1/333

Sharing injecting equipment (chemsex)


Appendix 2 Risk Groups


Risk Group Rate (%, HIV+ with detectable viral Load
Gay and bisexual men England 2.3
London 3.21
Elsewhere 2.09
Heterosexual men Black African 0.58
Non-Black African 0.02
Heterosexual women Black African 0.87
Non-Black African 0.01
Persons Who Inject Drugs (PWID) All 0.67
Men 0.53
Women 1.15
PWIDs in Glasgow 4.8
PWIDs in Lothian 0.6


Appendix 3 Hepatitis B PEP recommendations

Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 30/06/2023

Next review date: 30/06/2025

Author(s): Wielding S.

Version: SH015/03

Reviewer name(s): Wielding S.

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