Non-fatal illicit drug overdose - adults & young people within ambulance and hospital setting

Non Fatal Overdose Guidance
This guidance has been developed as part of the Borders Adult Drug Partnership (ADP) range of measures to attempt to reduce the number of drug related deaths.
Non-fatal overdose is a risk factor for drug related deaths.
The guidance is aimed at Hospital and Ambulance staff and the interface with the NHS Borders Addiction Service (BAS), Addaction and the Substance misuse Liaison service.
The guidance aims to ensure that clinical presentations are managed effectively, that there is rapid access to harm reduction and minimisation strategies via referral onward to appropriate services, and that data is accurately recorded to help inform future service adaptation and provision.
All non-fatal overdose should be referred to Adult Protection
Definition of a non fatal overdose
An event which has required urgent medical intervention to avoid death following the consumption and intoxication of illicit drugs. (Definition agreed locally).
When following the protocol consideration should be given to the following:
- In attendance or caring for an individual with parental responsibilities/dependent children consider referral to children and families social work duty team.
- Both Child Protection and Adult Protection guidelines can be found on this website/app or respective organisation's resource site.
- Consent must be obtained from the patient before a referral is made to Borders Addiction Service (BAS)
- All young people under 16 years must be taken to Hospital.
- To make a referral to BAS please provide the name address CHI and contact telephone number of the patient. This will provide an access gateway to referral to Borders Addiction Service, Addaction and Action for Children.
- The following pathway, contact numbers and leaflet have been designed in a way for services to copy/print and place in a prominent part of their service/department for ease of reference and distribution. Please request Naloxone cards from BAS and distribute with leaflet to make up pack
The patient may not consent to referral however it is important for BAS to know who the patient is as they may be open to the service and this information is critical for patient safety and reducing the risk of patient harm/drug-related death. If the patient details communicated to BAS identifies that they are not an open case the patient information will be destroyed and not retained within the service.
Contact details of appropriate services
Adult Protection concern Social Work | 0300 1001800 |
Borders Addictions Service (BAS) |
01896 664436 |
Substance Misuse liaison nurse | 01896 827259 |
Addaction | 01896 757843 |
Quarriers | 01896 668411 |
Scottish Borders CHIMES (Action For Children) | 01896 750173 |
Children and Families Social Work Duty Team |
01896 662787 |
Out of Hours Social Work |
01896 752111 |
Definition of terms
BAS – Borders Addiction Service
SAS – Scottish Ambulance Service
ED – Emergency department
OD – Overdose
OOH – Out Of Hours
Naloxone Lifesaver resource pack – please request leaflets from BAS or print this PDF
Drug and alcohol support services in the Scottish Borders information leaflet: PDF