Recording ReSPECT plans in GPIT systems
Plans authored using the digital application can be viewed directly on the application itself or as a two page ‘PDF’ document. When a plan is published, the application will automatically send a copy of this PDF to the patient’s General Practice using Docman Electronic Document Transfer (EDT) to be processed by the practice and filed into the patient’s record. The codes and advice provided here are suggestions intended to be helpful but are not mandated by any policy at this time.
Configuring Docman to file the plans (NHS A&A Guidance) – Appendix 4
It is advisable to configure Docman filing to ensure each plan is saved correctly.
Within Docman:
Settings – Maintain Lists – Lists - Departments – Add Item – In the Description Field enter Future Care – In the Folder field chose Administration. Leave the Search Code field blank. Choose F12 Save.
Which terminology is being used?
GPIT systems (EMIS and Vision) in use in Scotland use mapped implementations of SNOMED CT. They were originally Read Code systems, but now employ local codes in their interfaces which are mapped to SNOMED CT internally. To users the applications look like they are using Read Code or Local Code browsers, rather than a SNOMED CT browser.
Specific concepts for ReSPECT are available in the UK Edition of SNOMED CT but these are not available at this time (May 2023) in the versions of EMIS or Vision deployed in Scotland. Requests are being processed for adding the new SNOMED CT concepts to Vision and EMIS. This document describes the use of proxy codes available in the Read Codes which can be used in the interim. This is not ideal, but practices may find it a useful approach in the medium term.
Should we record terminology codes for this purpose?
Plans received or created by the practice should be added to the patient’s document record in Docman. When a ReSPECT plan is received via EDT or scanned into the Document Record, we do not advise that you set the coding element with Docman but instead manually code within the patient record within EMIS or to give an indication that a ReSPECT plan is in place.
NHS Ayrshire & Arran December 2023 v1.1 Edited from National Document - Recording ReSPECT Plans in GPIT Systems.
Practices may also wish to add a specific coded entry in the GPIT system to indicate the presence of a ReSPECT plan. It is good practice, where resources allow, for practices to create or update the Key Information Summary GP Special Note with the ReSPECT summary text. Users with ReSPECT web access can copy and paste directly from the ReSPECT web application into KIS. When using this function users must take care not to inadvertently overwrite existing KIS text. It is also advisable to check and update any other areas of the KIS as required.
How do you add these codes?
At this time practices that wish to do so will need to manually add a Code for this purpose and configure Docman to use a specific code for ReSPECT plans. In due course, for ReSPECT plans received via Docman Electronic Document Transfer (EDT), it should be possible for a default SNOMED CT concept to be provided as part of the usual Docman filing processes.
Which codes should you use?
Adding a Plan:
When filing the ReSPECT plan into Docman and the associated code in the GP record we recommend you use:
8CM. Care plan
- For making an entry in the patient record to indicate that the patient has a ReSPECT plan we recommend you use:
- 8CMd. Emergency health care plan
- With free text of ‘ReSPECT plan’.
- Entries with a code of ‘8CMd.’ are included by default in the Key Information Summary.
Removing a Plan:
In common with other care plan codes, there is no specific code to use if the patient no longer has a ReSPECT plan. The original record will remain correct as it was correct at the date and time of entry so should not be deleted.
The original entry can be amended with free text to indicate that the ReSPECT plan has been inactivated or withdrawn. For example:
8CMd. Emergency health care plan
- With free text ‘ReSPECT plan active from date of entry until *date_of_inactivation*.
- If a new plan is started or the original one is re-activated then a new entry of ‘8CMd.’ should be made.