A review of the process to submit documentation to be hosted on the Right Decision Service (RDS) platform is currently underway and will be complete early 2025.

Currently if you wish to submit a document for consideration of upload to RDS please follow the guidance below:

For Clinical Guidelines

Clinical Guidelines are non-mandatory documents, based around a condition; disease or topic that blends evidence based practice; best practice and expert subject group advice, designed to assist clinicians in the decision-making process about appropriate treatment and care in specific circumstances.

If you wish to submit a Clinical Guideline for publication on the RDS platform and AthenA, please complete the Guideline submission form

If you require further information around the development and/or publication of Clinical Guidelines, please email Greg.murdoch@aapct.scot.nhs.uk

Pathways, Protocols, Referral Pathways and all other documentation

For Pathways, Protocols, Referral Pathways and all other documentation, please complete the Submission form for other documentation. If you require further information around the publication of Pathways, Protocols, referral Pathways and for all other RDS related enquiries, please e-mail aa.rightdecisions@aapct.scot.nhs.uk